in Project HOPE3 years ago

The role of a mother can't be neglected in the development of a child. There is always a difference between a child that is well taken care of by a mother or a mother figure and that who doesn't have a mother to take care of him/ her.A mother doesn't necessarily mean one who gave birth to a vhild, there are alot of women who shouldn't be called mother.

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A mother is the one who will stand by and for the child, she is the one who will do anything to ensure the child is safe. Let us look at some of the role of a mother in a child life's.


This is the first role of a mother that determines the development of a child. The mother is the first house and shelter of a child. The feotus is formed in the mother womb and the baby is then housed in the womb for 9 months.

The mother ensures the baby is safe in her womb and also pass across the neccessary nutrient needed for the child development. When we look at a child from the incubation and one from the mothers womb there is always a difference between the two, so we can see one essential of a mother.


Another importance of a mother in the development of a child is the breast milk she gives to the child. Science had discovered that a child who is fed with breast milk for 6 months tend to be stronger, smarter and sharper. The breast milk of a mother is incomparable with any other milk.

The breastmilk is divine and natural from the lord.
CARE: No one can care for a child the way the mother does, the mother is the one who caters for the child welfare, she feeds the child, clothes the child, ensure the child gets ready for school etc.

She turns to a nurse and doctor when the child is sick, she's just always there to ensure the child has a good life.


when it comes to prayer aspect, it is believed that the mothers prayer is very effective on the child. A praying mother delivers her child from preys. This is another essential role a mother plays that ensures the development of the child is top notch. She will pray for his success, protection, well being, and so on.

This gives the child a better chance amongst his peers whose mother doesn't pray for them.
Confidant: The child always confide in the mother since she is the closest to the child. This will always tell on the child if he has a Mother or not.

The way the mother attend to the cases the child has brought before her affects his development in life. When a mother is easy to approach and able to be confided in the child hides nothing from her and this makes them best of friends. This also reduces the chances of the child been abused.


The mother gives advise to enable him great in life and also solve the child's personal issue. When the child confides in the mother she is always there to give advise and help find solution to the situation at hand. It only take a wise mother to give advise which will develop the child not the one which will be detrimental to his growth.

Solution seeker:

no good mother on earth watches her child to struggle when in problems, she is always out there looking for solutions to the child's problem.
With the listed above we can see that the role of a mother is very vital in a child's development. The mother isn't just a woman she is like a god. She is treasure and should as such.

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Hi dear friend @mandate

when it comes to prayer aspect, it is believed that the mothers prayer is very effective on the child

I agree with that concept, I also listen to it a lot, it must be like that, my mother always rests for me and my brothers and I know that this brings us blessings

Hello friend, certainly a mother can rarely be replaced, I think it is a unique love and no one will support you and love you like her, in most cases. Those of us who are born with that privilege can enjoy many things and those who are not, could suffer many shortcomings, but it does not mean that they can not overcome them and that they can not achieve all their goals. Greetings!

A mother's love towards a child is second to none, a child who has experience a mother's love always has a better experience towards life than those who aren't.

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