How will the world look like in the next 10 Years?

in Project HOPE4 years ago

When we take a little time backward to many years back and compare it to the present age we are now, we will believe a lot has changed and has been innovated.

Most especially in the area of technology. Technology is growing rapidly and changing the world also rapidly which is quite undeniable.

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I remember 10 years back, there was nothing like 4G not to talk of 5G but look at where we are now, we have the both.

In many ways the technology advancement we witness now has changed the world and though it has come to have both the negative effect to the world and also the positive effect to the world but I am not here to talk about it today.

I begin to imagine how will technology change the world in the next ten years. As day goes by, new technology innovation keeps pumping up and up and it shows signs of not slowing down instead it is becoming more rapidly.

With just few minutes, have you take some little of your time to wonder how will the world look like in the next 10-20 years to come. Will the world still look recognizable to this present age we are now or will it look totally different?

I leave you to answer the question in the comment section below..

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The world will be like a sci-fi movie, there is a possibility of having more of flying cars than tyre cars, robotic police, one major currency and so on.

Definitely you have a point over there

We are making huge progress in the field of technology and other aspects. But with advancement we will see drawbacks also like we have seen in this covid-19 situation

You are right. I wonder how the world will look like in the next few years

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