US$ Could Collapse as Petro-Dollar Crumbles ~ Jamie Redman … (Death of the Dollar–25) with Link to Full Story

in Project HOPE4 years ago

Soon, King Dollar will lose its supremacy, and the dollar will be just another insignificant local currency.

Jamie Redman –

"Petro-Dollar System Crumbles: US Dollar Could Collapse from the World's Oil Wars"  
(Right-click title to see original story)
(Image source)

– Flash Points –

1 – About 10 days ago, the price of oil dropped below zero.
2 – The plummeting oil price could lead to a collapse of the dollar.
3 – The position of the US dollar is already weak and fragile.
4 – We can expect hyperinflation of the US dollar.

– Synopsis –

In a recent article for, Jamie Redman outlined how the petro-dollar system has been deteriorating before our very eyes. Consequently, the US dollar is headed for a total collapse.  

Pop Goes the Bubble 

The dollar’s tenuous position is not the result of the coronavirus, nor or the pandemic’s impacts on the global economy. The coronavirus is simply the pin that has pricked the massive petro-dollar bubble. As economies around the world went into lockdown, the demand for oil plummeted. And so did the price.  

Down Goes the Dollar 

Under the petro-dollar system, the US dollar is essentially “tethered to”  the price of a barrel of oil. So now, with the price of a barrel of oil set at less than zero, the dollar too is – for all intents and purposes – worth less than zero. Sure, it may be supported by a massive war machine, but it’s clear to see that even the US’s military might is fading.   (Image source)

Long-Perm Abuse 

While the petro-dollar system is actually began in the early 1970s, its actual origins date back to the post-war Bretton Woods system, under which the dollar essentially became the world’s reserve currency.    

After the US started abusing the system, by printing massive amounts of money to fund its war in Vietnam, the Bretton Woods system collapsed. The gold standard was abandoned (“temporarily, ” said President Nixon), and subsequently, all countries were free to print as much money as they wanted. (“Permanently,”  they assumed.)

– Insight from Outside –

The petro-dollar system has always been a flawed, corrupt, and manipulated arrangement. It has survived this long only because its victims have ignored the flaws and the corruption. 

Exorbitant or Extortionate? 

Under the Bretton Woods system, the price of the dollar was tied to gold, and the prices of all other currencies were tied to the dollar. That gave the US an “exorbitant privilege”  to print massive amounts of what was essentially the global reserve currency. As one would expect, the US soon began to abuse that “privilege.”   (Image source)

When France rightfully tried to exchange its dollar holdings for gold, Nixon unilaterally abandoned the Bretton Woods system. Essentially, he said that France could not claim its gold. Some call that “theft.” 

Criminal Partner  

A few years later, Nixon convinced Saudi Arabia to sell its oil for only dollars, and not for any other currency. Since then, the US has used its “exorbitant privilege”  for its own advantage, and to the severe detriment of its trading partners.    

That is about to end. Iran and Venezuela have suffered greatly under the skewed petro-dollar scheme. And those 2 countries are not alone in looking forward to the day when the petro-dollar system crashes and King Dollar loses its supremacy.

When that happens, the dollar will be nothing more than an insignificant local currency – at best.


A few years later, Nixon convinced Saudi Arabia to sell its oil for only dollars, and not for any other currency. Since then, the US has used its “exorbitant privilege” for its own advantage, and to the severe detriment of its trading partners.

I never knew this part about the dollar history. Thanks a lot for sharing it. This pandemic could begin the search for the replacement of dollar. We'll see how it goes. Cheers!

The Dollar certainly has some direct connection to oil. There are still calls to have an officially oil backed USD. It's a topic we must revisit as more people now have more control over their own destiny. We cannot accept thoughts of kingship rule were few govern the economy for all like the Middle Ages. This is how Muslim countries are run and many have not fared well during the pandemic.

BTW, it is probably no coincidence that just a couple of years ago that Saudi Arabia called for its citizen to diversify and reduce their dependency on oil. The leaders saw a future where oil was quickly losing its flavor.

Good point. Any economy that relies solely on one major product is in a very tenuous position indeed. Good for the Saudis that they realize that.

 4 years ago 

Dear @majes.tytyty

Finally I've managed to find some time to catch up with older publications within our community.

More I think about USD, more I believe that it will not collapse as long as most loans around the world are done in USD and also $$$ will be used to pay for oil (that is forcing countries to build reserves in usd).

Inflation will be exported and most countries around the world will struggle, but usd may still stay in power. As long as demand for oil exist, and as long as loans in USD are not yet being paid.

After all - in order for USD to collapse, we would need some other currency to take over and become 'world currency' (the way USD has been for such a very long time). And that wouldn't happen without a real fight.

Solid read. upvoted already,
Cheers, Piotr

You always have some great arguments to rebut my thesis. And sometimes, you almost convince me.

As for "demand for oil," did you see that the price of oil recently dropped to negative? That's right, it dropped to about –$35. The reason was that there was NO storage space for any potential buyers, and therefore anyone who had oil to sell was stuck with it. So, in fact, there was NO demand for oil.

The prime knock-on effect would be that there was no use for the petro-dollar.

But as you say, any final collapse of the petro-dollar would "not happen without a real fight." They're working up to that now. Be afraid.

 4 years ago 

Hi @majes.tytyty

You always have some great arguments to rebut my thesis. And sometimes, you almost convince me.

Sometimes and Almost :) You surely know how to put a smile on my face buddy

As for "demand for oil," did you see that the price of oil recently dropped to negative? That's right, it dropped to about –$35. The reason was that there was NO storage space for any potential buyers, and therefore anyone who had oil to sell was stuck with it. So, in fact, there was NO demand for oil.

EXACTLY! allow me to repeat my words: "usd may still stay in power. As long as demand for oil exist"

Please let me underline words "may" and "as long" :)

Truth is, that US need demand for oil to come back. Also new sources of energy (which are aiming to replace oil) are partly a threat to current "status quo". Lack of demand for oil would be a total game changer. US would lose their entire leverage, which allowed them to organize their economy the way it's organized right now.

Also US is losing their influence in South China Sea (which has enormous amount of oil, one of the largest in the world and China wants it). If they won't be able to bully everyone around, then some countries will start trading with oil and paying using their own currencies (excluding USD on the way).

That would also become a problem.

So definetly USD will be challenged, however I would not see it CRASHING. It will be more of a LONG TERM BLEED OUT. Much more painful than rapid crash. Unfortunatelly.


Excellent point. It will be a "long-term bleed out," or a "slow-motion train wreck." I think we're in full agreement on that.

But eventually, a tipping point will be reached, and then the long, long, long, long decline of the dollar will culminate in a relatively rapid collapse.

Fiat is dead. People will realise but it'll take time

Right. It might even take quite a bit of time. Nobody knows when the collapse will drive fiat currencies to their true value of zero. But the end is near, and the end is certain.

Resteemed already. Upvote on the way :)

Cool. Thanks for the resteem.
Hope all is well on your end. Onwards and upwards!!!

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