in Project HOPE2 years ago

Nowadays we are being assaulted by a bombardment of information that makes us feel the most negative effects of life, hence we end up thinking and applying that old principle of scientific origin that lets us see that only the strongest survives, when we must be sure that mutual support will undoubtedly make life easier.

At this point, the scenario that has the most repercussions for us as a society is the economic one and without a doubt, the international scenarios associated with inflation and war conflicts have managed to affect the balance that we had somehow achieved, from our labor aspect, to the interrelationships that we have achieved through the web 3, where we have managed to interact in a space where we are free to think and give different opinions.

Image courtesy of: Myriams-Fotos

In this sense, it seems that we have entered a state of silent desperation, where we cannot exercise any control over the events that occur around us and we only let ourselves be guided by that sense of survival, as a real alternative to be able to get ahead in the midst of such an overwhelming scenario as the one we are living today.

In retrospect, I have been able to realize that the world moves in other aspects outside the economic one and that above all things we should be thankful for how fortunate we have been, since life has given us the necessary opportunities to form a family and have a stable income beyond the adversities that we are discussing here.

So, based on these principles, I would like to share an old story that has made me appreciate and remember how important it is to be aware of our limitations but at the same time of the opportunities we can take from them.

In this sense, during one of those mornings where the weather allows us to see the majesty of our nature, the owner of a store decided to place a sign on the door of his business that said (Puppies for sale), the owner was aware that this type of advertisement brings children, not much time had passed when indeed a child approached him.

- How much do the puppies cost?

- Between $30 and $50, replied the man at the store.

Author: @madridbg

At that point the boy reached into his pocket and pulled out a little more than $2.37, saying it was a pity he didn't have enough money to buy one of those puppies.

- I don't have enough money, but could I see them?

Immediately the owner of the store whistled and behind the store appeared a dog with 5 puppies, the last one standing out, as she seemed to have no strength to walk.

- What's wrong with that puppy? asked the boy.

- That puppy was born with a defective hip and will limp all his life.

- The boy got very excited and exclaimed, that's the puppy I want to buy, immediately the man answered:

- No, you will not buy that puppy, if you really want it, I will give it to you.

- The boy looking at him with a face of disgust, replied, I don't want you to give it to me, I consider it has the same value as the others, so let's make a deal, I will give you the money I have at this moment and I will pay you 0.50 cents every month until I pay it in full.

The man with the intention of making him see his mistake replied, son you don't want to buy that puppy, he will never be able to run, jump and play with you in the park.

Immediately the boy bent down and lifted up his pants, showing them his left leg, which was twisted and useless, it was held up by a large metal brace.

- Well, I can't run very well either, so the little dog needs someone who understands him," replied the boy.

The man, with tears in his eyes, told him that the puppy was his and prayed that the rest of the puppies would have an owner as valuable as the one who had been given to this puppy.

Author: @madridbg

Under this story, we can realize that in life the most important thing is that we are valued for who we are and not for the economic resources we have been able to achieve, so that by analyzing this scenario I have been able to realize how much I have, a wife who has been in the good and bad times of my life and children who see me as that model of people they are willing to follow.

Consequently, the central idea of these lines of writing is that we must learn not to let ourselves be overwhelmed by circumstances, on the contrary, we must be resilient and extract the positive from every event or situation that comes our way.


The design of the portal was made by @madridbg, using public domain images

Grateful with the community @project.hope and with all the management team of the same one that they motivate us to continue working in a mutual and balanced growth.


The story you shared indeed drives the point you intend to make with the post. It was really a long read but it helps bring a sense of relief and positive thinking to apply to a new day

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