in Project HOPE3 years ago

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Author: @madridbg,via Power Point 2010, using public domain images. WikiImages

Greetings and welcome dear readers who accompany me daily in this world of writing associated with science and the diversity it offers us. Therefore, the topic that concerns us in this opportunity is related to the emergence of the chemical elements through great thermal transformations, explained under the optics of the Big Bang theory.

As has been constant since my incursion into this prestigious blockchain, I usually share this type of topic through the communities @stemsocial, @stem-espanol and @cervantes, actors and witnesses of the great benefits that Science provides us in order to improve and understand our existence.

In this sense, we will make a scientific approach under a flexible perspective, which does not allow us to transmit detailed and accessible information to the reader, so we will begin by establishing that the universe began about 13,700 million years ago in an event of great amplitude that in terms of cosmology called Big Bang attributable to a big explosion that gave rise to what we now know as the universe and life.

Under this conception, thermal changes would have been inconceivable with an abrupt change in temperature above 1000 Kelvin, which gave rise to the formation of subatomic particles, such as electrons, protons and neutrons.

Fig. 2. The expansion of the universe occurred from a dense state and high temperatures. Author: Creative Commons

Subsequently, the temperature dropped to 109 K, generating a fusion process between the nuclei of the particles, which gave rise to elements such as helium of low molecular weight, so that is evidenced according to the scientific approach, the formation of the first thickness of matter, understood this as everything that has mass and occupies a place in space.

This new species of matter according to the postulates of the Big Bang remained so for many millions of years, until achieving a necessary expansion product of the cooling of the universe that reached temperatures close to 10,000 K, which gave rise to the formation of stable atoms such as hydrogen product of nuclear bonding driven by cooling.

Therefore, according to current research and simulations it is expected that the gravitational force generated produced the massive contraction of matter and consequently the formation of galaxies and in these millions of stars.

Fig. 3. Three-dimensional representation of the expansion process of the universe. Author: NASA

Another intrinsic factor that is explained with the postulates of the big bang is associated with the condensation of helium and hydrogen clouds formed due to the gravitational attraction itself, generating much lower temperatures close to 100 k that influenced the caloric contribution for a new nuclear union that gave birth to light.

The elements of higher molecular weight such as oxygen, arose as a result of the extinction of the stars that by generating gravitational contraction, raised the temperature of the universe generated larger nuclei such as carbon, silicon, oxygen, among others.

Therefore supernovae formed from dead stars expanded matter throughout the universe, forming the solar system we know today, so we can establish that the whole process of universal creation is based on elements such as helium and hydrogen.


[1] Chang, R. (2010). Chemistry. Tenth edition. McGraw-hill Interamericana publishers. ISBN: 978-607-15-0307-7.

[2] McMURRY E., John and Fay C., Robert. (2008). General chemistry. Fifth edition PEARSON EDUCATION, Mexico, 2009 ISBN: 978-970-26 1286-5.

[3] Ralph, H. Petrucci, William S. Harwood, E. Geoffrey Herring. (2003). GENERAL CHEMISTRY. Eighth edition. PEARSON EDUCACIÓN. S.A., Madrid.



The design of the portal was made by @madridbg, using public domain images

Grateful with the community @project.hope and with all the management team of the same one that they motivate us to continue working in a mutual and balanced growth.

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hello @madridbg,
the study of the universe is something that never ceases to amaze us, a few days ago it was announced a kind of dark matter that is found in the universe and of which scientists have no idea how it was formed, this matter was only known in theory but it was only recently that could be recorded, another surprising thing about the universe is that apparently there is presence of water almost everywhere, this tells us that it is possible life on other planets, I think that soon more mysteries will be revealed because it is already possible that private companies pay for space excursions to do research.

Greetings @trabajosdelsiglo no doubt these discoveries allow us to advance in the understanding and comprehension of the universe, of which we know so little and to which we have so little access. Thank you for roasting and capturing your perspective. Success in your homework


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Thanks to the @zero-to-infinity team for the appreciation and support shown to my publication, success in your labors. Best regards

Hello @madridbg, it is interesting the topic you develop about the possibility of the origin of some elements that make up the periodic table. It is important to highlight how a temperature variation influences the creation of the elements. Since according to the Big-Bang theory the abrupt variations of temperature were directly proportional to the atomic weight of the elements that were being formed, for example when the temperature was low originated Helium (He) and Hydrogen (H), while when the temperature increased originated elements of higher atomic weight as Carbon (C), Silicon (Si), Oxygen (O). Excellent topic, Greetings

Greetings @sidalim88 thank you for your visit very good reference that you do not raise to establish that the molecular weight of the element was directly proportional to the temperature of formation, even that a theory still do not have clear indications that allow us to establish it as absolute truth, so that we still remain as a pending knowledge to discover and evaluate. Greetings

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