in Project HOPE3 years ago

Author: @madridbg, through Power Point 2010, using official images from the waykichain portal.

Greetings dear members of this prestigious platform, continuing with the progressive learning and follow-ups that we have been doing on the WaykiChain project, in this installment we will address some principles that are necessary if we want to invest our money in any digital asset.

That is why, according to its advances, innovation and work team, the WaykiChain project every day consolidates even more, an effect that we can reflect in the accelerated growth that has shown its WICC currency. However, in this publication we will focus on knowing in depth the technical aspects of the company which allow us to assume it as reliable over time.

So WaykiChain is a technological company, innovative and focused on the development and exploitation of blockchain technology, with high-performance processing capabilities, reliable and economical transactions, efficient consensus mechanisms, as well as powerful smart contract engines, and blockchain update management capabilities.

Fig. 2. WaykiChain as a technology company in the blockchain world Author: Gerd Altmann

So that the project can generate a solid infrastructure, robust at the enterprise level with industrial solutions, this is attributed to the constant investment that is being made in research and development with the dynamic and active participation of its users and the builders of the Wayki ecosystem, which allows a continuous optimization of the project.

These widespread changes, have enabled the development of the stablecoin project built in the lower layer of the public chain has been continuously improving the potential for the development of decentralized business models which has allowed to generate substantial advantages in the following aspects:

1. On the interdisciplinary team: a robust technological team has been created, where the experience of each of the members has been of great value to the project, a process that has allowed substantial advances in innovation and investment. The professionals immersed in the project have managed to generate strategic cooperation agreement with leading companies in the digital market associated with blockchain.

2. On business management: in this aspect WaykiChain has generated a clear and precise strategy, which is based on the use of the technological characteristics of blockchain, associated with decentralization, irreversibility, encrypted security and point-to-point value transfer.

Fig. 3. WaykiChain partnerships as growth strategies. Author: Gerd Altmann

3. On market potential: at this point, investments have been generated to support each objective set by the company, for example, the size of the investment in the area of games and riddles exceeded 1.5 billion dollars, which will generate a substantial support on this initiative and thus each advance generated.

4. On its growth over time: sustainability over time in fundamental premise for WaykiChain members, hence it has become timely the construction of a complete governance structure, which allows an effective administration on standard procedures, code management, financial management, salary management and privilege operation scope, which will ensure the sustainable growth of the project.

Undoubtedly in terms of organization, investment and development, the WaykiChain project has been shielded from there, the strength that has generated the project in the blockchain world, which is projected to daily as a great investment economy of our capital. In this sense, if you find this information timely, I invite you to leave your contribution in the comments section.


[1] WICC WaykiChain White Paper Article: Online Access


The design of the portal was made by @madridbg, using public domain images

Grateful with the community @project.hope and with all the management team of the same one that they motivate us to continue working in a mutual and balanced growth.

Uploaded image of the Proyecto.hope community


Hello dear friend, WaykiChain has many positive aspects and among its objectives is to seek the sustainability of your project, we must not lose sight of the progress obtained in the future.

See you later, have a happy weekend.

hello @madridbg,
every day I see that this project is growing due to the growth that has its community and the capitalization of its currency what is not clear to me is that it has a difference with other projects like ADA and ethereum that now has a better operating protocol, greetings.

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