in Project HOPElast year

Talking about the topic of cryptocurrencies has become an ambiguous and ambitious process, in terms of its socialization, since there are several points of view that are manifested through the analysis of financial markets, specifically talking about the world of cryptocurrencies.

André François McKenzie

So that to speak with certainty about the behavior of this financial asset is a bit complex and those who make life in it, we must know that there are several tools that allow us to analyze the behavior in the price action, aspects that many call technical analysis and that allow us to evaluate the points of supports and resistances that keep the price depending on the orders that enter and exit and it is there, where knowing the temporalities, trends, time, strength and volume, plays an important role in understanding the behavior of an asset.

However, this technical analysis turns out to be not very objective, since there are variables that exert a direct action on the behavior of an asset, variables that are directly linked to human behavior and to the actions or news that are developed worldwide.

Based on the above, we have to know that currently, the issue of cryptocurrencies has gone through ups and downs that are considerable as direct alarms of the inefficiency of this economic model. In my opinion, these scenarios have strengthened the idea of assuming Bitcoin as a refuge of value, where the acceptance and adoption of the technology will be crucial in the coming future and although various sources bet on scenarios contrary to that stated above, we can notice how Bitcoin and the price action of this cryptocurrency, has clearly withstood the negative shocks that are being assumed at the economic level in different global scenarios, and if we add to this the warlike confrontations we realize that this asset has responded satisfactorily.

In this sense, if we analyze the perspectives that are handled through various officials who make life in the consortium of governance of the digital currency, we realize that they assume a future with a promising vision, where the technological processes rooted in Bitcoin are indisputably becoming a backbone that permeates throughout the financial services and that generates a decisive impact on the global economy.


The above statements are based on an easily demonstrable fact and it is enough to analyze the behavior of banks, where many of these companies that offer financial services and that are considered as traditional and solid at an economic level, have decided to allow global payments that in some way emulate the behavior of Bitcoin, which shows that the value of this asset is not related to how many dollars it is worth, but to the technological advancement in which this digital asset is immersed.

Now, if we are clear on what is happening as a global projection, in my opinion it is valid to ask ourselves, is there a way to generate a regulation on Bitcoin that triggers a state of evolution of the same?

In my opinion it is a questionable approach, since it has been that freedom in transactions, which has triggered the relevance of cryptocurrencies in these times, however, regulations are necessary as they allow in some way to control the unnecessary risks that are run through fraudulent operations in these ecosystems that in 2022 have been reiterated, Hence, the need to improve the future of the crypto world and this is achieved through a process of cleaning and elimination of these harmful effects that in a way is achieved by establishing effective controls that maintain a point of balance between governance and equity between the parties.

So, in my opinion, the projections in relation to Bitcoin are solid and it indisputably enters into the economic conglomerate that will make the future stand, as it has been implemented in its various economic policies in countries like El Salvador by daring to assume Bitcoin as a legal exchange currency and to develop efficient technological processes that have massified commercial exchanges in that country.

Consequently, assuming the behavior of Bitcoin in relation to economic aspects on a global scale, is a complex and constantly evolving issue, because while some investors see BTC as a mechanism to protect their assets from global economic uncertainty, others consider it as a too speculative and risky asset, which implies that every action and decision that is assumed in this economic model, must be carefully evaluated and take into account various factors at a technical level, but especially at a global level that respond to different scenarios of the economy that we are currently living.


The design of the portal was made by @madridbg, using public domain images

Grateful with the community @project.hope and with all the management team of the same one that they motivate us to continue working in a mutual and balanced growth.

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Well, adoption is becoming unavoidable for lots of people have lost faith in the traditional banking system

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