in Project HOPE3 years ago

Author: @madridbg, through Power Point 2010, using public domain images. E Swamy

Greetings and welcome dear readers of the @Project.hope community, continuing with the thematic approach called "Sustainable Approaches" that I have been doing in my blog, in this installment we will address issues related to the growing interest and social concern in issues of environmental care and protection.

In this sense, we will not rely on the study conducted by The Economist, an intelligence unit for the social study and the impact on nature, through surveys has been established that in the last 5 years the interest in nature has been growing and every day there are more individuals who handle information related to respect for the carrying capacity of our planet.

Fig. 2. Environmental outreach is essential at this time in history. Author: ejaugsburg

Based on the above, it is appropriate to ask ourselves What is our interest or concern about the problems that afflict our planet? It is certainly a very personal question that I would like to discuss in the comments section of this publication.

On the other hand, research developed by members of the WWF project have detected a considerable change at the conceptual, attitudinal and behavioral level on issues related to biodiversity, climate change and environmental protection in general, where citizens of those underdeveloped countries are the most concerned about environmental issues, behavior that can be attributed to the greater loss of biodiversity that may present these countries, an example of this is represented by the Amazon region in South America.

The members of The Economist, call this change of consciousness as the "Ecological Awakening", whose trend is reflected in the urgent need to act and prevent the loss of environmental variables associated with respecting the carrying capacity of the planet, as well as the need to adopt sustainable patterns at the energy and economic level to ensure respect for the resources of these and future generations.

Fig. 3. The ecological awakening is already a reflection in our societies. Author: Dominic Wunderlich

If we analyze statistical data we do not realize that from 1970 to 2016, there is a great loss in vertebrate species in the world, which have shown a decrease of more than 65%, and beyond the actions taken we must generate a great global consensus to ensure the protections of these and other species.

It is not enough to worry, we must awaken the interest of the collective and current together in favor of our planet we need to achieve greater interconnection worldwide, a phenomenon that perhaps already begins to be observed, where the protests of environmentalists has grown in magnitude and frequency, we must make more noise so that the requests that nature demands from us are heard.

Fig. 4. We must achieve greater respect for our environment. Author: Edu_274

To achieve this, it is necessary to exploit digital activism, which allows us to reach a larger number of followers who can join environmental preservation campaigns. Undoubtedly, the task is arduous and we must all strive to reduce the effects of our actions on the planet.


[1] Vilma Rodríguez Morales and Col. The environmental protection and health-a social and ethical challenge. Cuban Journal of Public Health 2011;37(4):510-518. Article: Online Access

[2] De Burgos Jíménez, J. Céspedes Lorente, J. J. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AND PERFORMANCE. A CRITICAL ANALYSIS OF THEIR RELATIONSHIP. European Research, Vol. 7, No. 2, 2001, pp. 93-108. Article: Online Access


The design of the portal was made by @madridbg, using public domain images

Grateful with the community @project.hope and with all the management team of the same one that they motivate us to continue working in a mutual and balanced growth.

Uploaded image of the Proyecto.hope community


There is definitely an interest marked first by globalization that has brought an endless amount of information more at hand about the environmental damage that we humans cause, this has brought an awareness of what will happen to us in future years.
thank you for your contribution

 3 years ago 

Certainly we have to take advantage of all the alternatives and tools in this digital era to promote this culture, where we will all win and so will the planet, which is the most important thing.

Hello @madridbg,
I believe that a mechanism for disseminating information about the time it takes for each animal or plant species to regenerate and repopulate should be included in the campaigns of environmental activists, at the same time a deeper level of awareness among citizens would be achieved.

Thank you for this valuable information.

We all want good and healthy environment but for that we need to do something if you cannot stop destroying the environment you cannot achieve a healthy future ahead. It's an alarming situation now.

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