in Project HOPE2 years ago

Author: @madridbg

Greetings and welcome dear readers of this prestigious platform, in this opportunity I join in establishing some lines of writing associated with optimism, so that it is this way or lifestyle that allows us to achieve and fulfill each of the goals we set in our daily work.

In this sense, I would like to begin my reflective approach by addressing a specific definition of optimism, which is assumed to be a positive outlook on the world with a projection into the future.

From a technical point of view, it is associated with resilience, which in turn is determined by the inner strength of each individual, so that we can extract the positive aspects of the different circumstances that arise throughout our lives.

Therefore, if we internalize these aspects, we realize that optimism is a life decision and that as people we are the only ones responsible for the effect that positive or adverse scenarios can cause us, it is in us the ability to face problems in an optimistic way or otherwise focus on complaints without the possibility of solving them.

Public domain image. Author: Anastasia Borisova

It is undoubtedly a very attractive subject in my opinion, since as Venezuelans, knowing and knowing the various economic and political scenarios we are living, we can realize that everything points to negativity, however, as a society we have had the ability to face adversity and we have been able to move forward in a courageous and positive way, This shows that our optimism is still latent and that we still have a glimpse of hope for a future where things will change and where each of the scenarios we are living will allow us to gain experience that in the long run will be fruitful in our journey.

Therefore, we must be aware that optimism can be sown, nurtured and developed within us, since it is a decision that is determined by our actions, hence, we are the only ones responsible for the impact that the situations of our life have on each one of us.

Being able to assume problematic situations with a state of maturity and emotional balance, shows us in a certain way the degree of optimism that we can have and consequently generate a holistic and different vision about the problems we are facing.

Author: @madridbg

Undoubtedly, as individuals or as a society we will always be immersed in problematic situations that make us see the negative side of life and to contextualize the above, we can cite what happened with the pandemic, where this tiny enemy produced a fragmentation of society and managed to destabilize each of the systems of our lives and when we thought we had already overcome the incident, international war situations are detonated that somehow increase the crisis that we had already been living.

So it is these scenarios that make us see life in a negative way, but at the same time we can see how the arrival of the holiday season changes our attitude drastically.

Consequently, we are able to assume that spirit of celebration of fellowship and family unity that Christmas represents, where we remember that great sacrifice that our father Jesus Christ made so that we could all be saved, without a doubt, these dates awaken in each one of us an optimistic spirit where we finish a year and we project in the best way our objectives or goals that we wish to achieve for the next one.

Consequently, the idea behind my lines of writing is that we can understand that it is our decision that delimits our attitude and in correspondence, which establishes the degree of optimism that we as people present, so that we must learn to face and reap the positive aspects in our life and as any practice we need to encourage and develop it.

Author: @madridbg

So I would like to share some aspects that will allow us to be much more positive throughout our existence and among these stand out:

Encourage intentionality, we must learn that each day has its own challenge and that these challenges or problems we will face with a winning attitude, where we test each of our strengths, but at the same time we can identify our weaknesses.

Likewise, we must learn to identify the problems, since if we are clear about the negative circumstances, our attitude will undoubtedly be the best to seek the solution to them, on the other hand, it is necessary to promote gratitude, since through this we can establish a work team or a support in people that allow us to walk together and go even further.

We have to leave the doors open to disappointments or failures, since these are the ones that will allow us to reach the necessary experience to evolve as a person and to arm ourselves with the fundamental tools that will make us face the problems.

Consequently, and as the idea is to promote optimism in our lives, we must be planned and organized people where discipline plays a fundamental role and in this aspect we must have the ability to visualize the different scenarios based on what we want to achieve, evaluating the aspects that can go wrong but visualizing how we would do to make things go better.

Public domain image. Author: Alexa

Therefore, we must learn to evaluate ourselves, to know our limitations, to identify the things we can control and those we cannot, since these are the ones that will allow us to see adverse scenarios in a positive way or with the ideal optimism that will allow us to achieve the different aspects and objectives that we have planned for this earthly time.


The design of the portal was made by @madridbg, using public domain images

Grateful with the community @project.hope and with all the management team of the same one that they motivate us to continue working in a mutual and balanced growth.


how the arrival of the holiday season changes our attitude drastically.

That's true by the way and no matter how bad the life is going but when we see festival season and people enjoying, we get strength and postive energy. I hope you are celebrating these days. Keep sharing such posts...

hi dear @madridbg

Being able to assume problematic situations with a state of maturity and emotional balance

It is very true, your reflection on celebrating the Christmas holidays is very accurate, we do nothing by drowning ourselves in our problems, greetings and God bless you

greetings @madridbg _
to have an optimistic position in life in spite of any difficulty is always synonymous of overcoming, so necessary in these times.
Thank you very much for sharing

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