in Project HOPE3 years ago

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Author: @madridbg, through Power Point 2010, using images in the public domain. ThePixelman

Greetings dear readers of this prestigious platform, back with the scientific contributions, this time we will be addressing the mechanism that allows the transition between the juvenile phase to puberty, associated with lipid interactions and the brain.

In this regard, we will rely on a series of studies being conducted from the Institute of Neuroscience of Alicante, where it has been established that there is a marked communication between the lipid bodies associated with fats and the brain and this interaction is responsible for sexual maturation and the onset of puberty.

The researchers have managed to develop the study using flies of the genus melanogaster, whose behavior is extrapolable to humans, the research is based on the detection of peripheral body fat that provides the neuroendocrine system. Where proteins similar to human leptin responsible for sexual maturation are activated.

Consequently, the study allows us to determine that the levels of peripheral fat are responsible for the passage from the juvenile stage to puberty, and when the levels of peripheral fat are low, juvenile obesity, so present in our daily lives, begins.

Fig. 2. The onset of puberty is accompanied by different body changes. Author: mohamed Hassan

To understand how this process develops, it is necessary to address the functioning of steroid hormones in the neuroendocrine circuit, which are responsible for evaluating the evolution of the maturation points of each organ that will fulfill a sexual function and verified the physical state of these, gives the order to release the steroids that trigger sexual maturation, in the event that the organs are not ready, simply prolongs the maturation process.

The study has managed to establish another aspect of great importance, which is associated with leptin deficiency that delays the neuroendocrine process and increases lipid levels, which triggers obesity at an early age, the researchers have been based on studies with mice in order to understand the functioning in the human body.

Fig. 3. Obesity is associated with leptin deficiency at early ages. Author: Tania Dimas

It has been shown that leptin, as a hormone secreted by fats, is responsible for sending signals about the amount of energy reserves in the body and in the neuroendocrine circuits, so that when the amount of this hormone is low, it leads to hyperphagia, so that when the information does not arrive in a timely manner, early obesity and the delay or total inability to initiate the pubertal transition arise. Undoubtedly, our organism is a complex system and understanding the different interconnections that are formed in it will allow us to know more about its functioning.


[1] Diana Luz Juárez Flores, Marcos Quevedo Díaz, Agustín Reséndiz Sharpe, Pamela López González. Neuroendocrine mechanisms at the onset of puberty. Article: Online Access


The design of the portal was made by @madridbg, using public domain images

Grateful with the community @project.hope and with all the management team of the same one that they motivate us to continue working in a mutual and balanced growth.

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Hello @madridbg
Wow mate, first time I read about this topic. I knew about leptins, I know they have their function in the digestive system, in appetite control, among other aspects, but this you mention in your post is totally new to me. Science is advancing, research is going deeper and deeper in many things.

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