in Project HOPE2 years ago

Author: @madridbg

Greetings and welcome dear readers of this prestigious platform, the approach of this topic is related to those aspects of our life that are focused on reaching an advanced age with a true balance in our state of maturity and that allow us to understand that youth passes and that we just have to learn to adapt to changes.

In this sense, I would like to share this writing through the @Projecthope community, a space where diverse topics are conducive to building community.

Based on the above, it is necessary to assume that maturity from the emotional point of view, responds to the capacity that as individuals we can have to face in a balanced way the diverse scenarios and events that arise in our life, therefore, it is necessary to assume that in this state, we have the necessary tools that allow us to manage and adapt to the diverse situations that we have to live.

Public domain image. Author: Lukas Bieri

Thus, maturity responds to a state of balance at a personal, religious, economic and cultural level, among other aspects that makes possible the development of our existence and in this sense, we can orient it as an evolutionary process that allows us at a personal level to be autonomous, without this implying being different from the rest of society, on the contrary, being mature in the different aspects of our life implies that we have learned and acquired the ability to self-regulate and adapt ourselves in a healthy way to our environment.

Thus, a person who demonstrates maturity acquires potential characteristics that we can describe as follows:

They are constant people in each of the scenarios or projects that are embodied in their lives, they have learned not to complain about the circumstances and consequently seek the best way to meet the challenges or difficulties that arise, they are conscious people who accept their limitations and move away from perfectionism and unfounded criticism.

They also accept that mistakes are part of learning and that these become new experiences that allow them to improve as individuals, taking responsibility for those mistakes made and working to improve them.

Thus, they become rational, tolerant and capable of adapting to the different circumstances that arise.

Author: @madridbg

On a personal level, if we look back, I have been able to realize that the decision we make when we form a family and build a real family nucleus, forces us in a certain way to reach that state of maturity, so that at this point, we become self-critical and make decisions with caution, knowing that the mistakes we make can lead to difficult scenarios that affect the rest of the family nucleus.

In this sense, our ability to self-regulate improves and we implement it in order to achieve a well-being that allows us to face with greater peace of mind the adverse scenarios that will come with the passing of time, especially when youth is running out and old age begins to be part of our lives.

At this point, decision making becomes a little slower, just as turtles walk, and all in function of reaching the necessary objectivity that allows us to achieve the goals we have set, consequently, maturity is synonymous with experience and it is those experiences throughout our life that allow us to reach this state of equilibrium that we have called maturity.

As Joshua Liebman aptly puts it, "Maturity is achieved when a person postpones immediate pleasures for long-term values".

Public domain image. Author: Gerd Altmann

Therefore, it is essential that we are aware of our state of equilibrium or maturity to face the different scenarios that arise in our day-to-day life..


The design of the portal was made by @madridbg, using public domain images

Grateful with the community @project.hope and with all the management team of the same one that they motivate us to continue working in a mutual and balanced growth.


What a insightful, this makes me to remembered when was growing up, there are decision we make then that look some how but at the end is victory .

Thank you for sharing

taking responsibility for those mistakes made and working to improve them.

Decision making is very important and if we do mistake by any decision that you make then you have to take the reposnsibilty and try to improve them and this is how you can go ahead in life. Thanks for this post.

Great article dear @madridbg, when maturity is reached things start to make sense and decisions as you mention tend to be slower based on the collective well-being of the family, we start to burn stages and we must be prepared to overcome them, otherwise we will never show signs of maturity.

So long, have a great week.

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