in Project HOPE2 years ago

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Author: @madridbg, through Power Point 2010, using public domain images. Cesar Otero

Greetings and welcome dear readers of this prestigious platform, the topic that concerns us in this opportunity, is associated with the lack of education that many users have in relation to the operation of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology in general.

Therefore, the alarming scenario that has been presented with the Luna project and the UST debacle, allows us to corroborate that the problem associated with cryptocurrencies is not the volatility, nor the mistrust that people have about them, the issue is more of a contribution or conceptual ignorance, since the risks that are assumed when backing our capital in one of these cryptoassets are not understood with certainty. In this sense, the scenario surrounding Terra has increased the degree of uncertainty, disbelief and concern among users, not to mention the grief of all those investors who were trapped in the dismemberment of the Luna project.

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Therefore, I have the impression that the masterful attack implemented towards the Terra Luna Network, is a warning signal for all those projects that intend or want to support their projects or stable tokens through cryptocurrencies, so I consider that Luna has been an example and a hint for the different networks that have been managing this type of protocols.

In the last few days, we have encountered a real bombardment of information from the different social networks, which has allowed me to confirm that there is still a lot of ignorance about how cryptoassets work, how they are managed, and who is in charge of promoting their growth, so that most users only focus on the risks and benefits variables behind a project.

The saddest part of this is that the lack of education is not due to lack of information, on the contrary, we are immersed in a daily flow of information that allows us to have different points of view about a project in general, the real problem is that we are not dedicating enough time to learn about the different projects where we decide to invest our money.

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Therefore, if we want to know and understand the world of cryptocurrencies, we must be intentional and dedicate time to it, so that we are able to identify the good projects from those that are only intended to cause FOMO and HI that would end up with loss of our capita,l with this I do not mean that every time we make an investment we must learn the different whitepapers of the projects, on the contrary we must focus on the truly relevant aspects behind these.

Unfortunately the world of cryptocurrencies has been changing and we can no longer think about making money quickly, so that a real training involves leaving aside those old toxic behaviors to which the same system or society has induced us, and begin to assume the blockchain world as a new economic model consubstantial with the reality of humanity.


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The design of the portal was made by @madridbg, using public domain images

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Grateful with the community @project.hope and with all the management team of the same one that they motivate us to continue working in a mutual and balanced growth.

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Uploaded image of the Proyecto.hope community


I accept to some certain extent. There was a certain extent I was shouting that the way people are being educated about cryptocurrency is something else. It look like some person are being told about cryptocurrency that the moment you venture into it you will be very rich, the never knew cryptocurrency is more than this.

Hello @madridbg, There is still a lot of education about cryptoactives, there is a lack of education about when to invest, how much to invest, how and where to invest, there is a lack of education about being prudent and cautious when making investments and about all things not to rush.
Investing in crypto assets is a serious thing but it is not yet fully understood.

Hello dear friend @madridbg, I totally agree with you, education is the main tool to venture into the crypto world. You must have knowledge about the projects where you are investing and not become a fanatic unless you are a partner. Luna's story can serve as a precedent for certain projects that are trying to seek investment with the stable coin.

See you later, have a great week.

Education is fundamental in learning and understanding anything properly. In regards to crypto, I think that most people are wrongly educated or misinformed that - crypto is a get-rich-quick kind of space. So many people come in with little real education or understanding, as a result many are burned by the harsh reality; which is - you need to learn, understand and follow up on the crypto projects you invest your money into. Thanks for posting.

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