in Project HOPE2 years ago


Author: @madridbg, through Power Point 2010, using public domain images. ivenezuela

Greetings and welcome dear user of the Steemit platform and especially to all those users who live daily in the @Projecthope community, a community where economic issues associated with the world of cryptocurrencies and economic transactions in blockchain are promoted, from Thus, the issue that concerns us this time is related to the advances in the world of cryptocurrencies as an emerging economy that allows sustaining the development of countries and society in general.

In this sense, we will be talking about the Venezuelan economy which is no secret to anyone that it is one where inflation levels are exorbitant and where economic transitions and blockades have been present in so that the Venezuelan has suffered the onslaught of an economic process in decline that is apparently based on irrational policies by the national executive.

However, we will not give a political focus to these lines of writing, but we will focus on studying those mechanisms used by the leaders of this country to expand trade prior to the blockades and sanctions imposed by the United States of America.

Among these economic alternatives, it is interesting to address Venezuela's incursion into the world of cryptocurrencies, which began with the creation of its own digital asset, which they called Petro, and which is anchored to renewable resources of this country, understood as oil, gold, silver, among others.


Therefore, and in my personal opinion, I consider that the adoption of cryptographic spaces represents giant steps in the Venezuelan economy, which allows in a certain way to diversify and promote digital payments based on this asset, either nationally or internationally.

So we can consider that the emergence of the Petro occurs as a disruptive response to the actions imposed by the United States, where it is demonstrated that in times of adversity, the creativity of people and of society comes to the fore and it is something that cannot be denied to the Venezuelan government, which, beyond the mistakes made, considered that it has been assertive when adopting cryptocurrencies as an emerging economy in the face of the country's situation.

Therefore, if we review the white paper rooted in the Petro, we realize that the digital asset goes on pre-sale as of February 20, 2018, where it places the South American country at the forefront Regarding the adoption of technological processes associated with the blockchain world and the world economy, where the emerging digital asset consists of its own chain of blocks, which makes it a transparent tool and supported by internationally certified commodities, understand this as those basic goods used as inputs in production and that can be used in commerce or finance as underlying assets.

In that sense, it is no secret to anyone of the multiple riches that Venezuela has in such a way that by backing the Petro in these natural assets, the new currency becomes an unconventional asset. with solid foundations and rooted in blockchain systems.


In this way, it is necessary for the country in general to be formed and involved in the world of digital finance or which will allow the Petro to be more usable as a cryptocurrency that allows it to serve for the economic recovery of the South American nation, so it is necessary highlight that the future of this cryptocurrency will depend on the adoption that the user gives to it and the awareness that this can develop about the instrument so that many more people begin to understand the new economic environments associated with the web 3.0.


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The design of the portal was made by @madridbg, using public domain images

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Grateful with the community @project.hope and with all the management team of the same one that they motivate us to continue working in a mutual and balanced growth.

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Uploaded image of the Proyecto.hope community

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