Robinia: A Pleasure to Use

in Project HOPE3 years ago (edited)


Excitement took hold when @crypto.piotr introduced me to the Robinia project. He compared RobiniaSwap to PancakeSwap and described some of the staking options.

This was a big deal for me because of the limitations that come with living in the US when it comes to STEEM. @joselvas was instrumental in helping me complete my first swap transaction. I recommend both his tutorials:

Moving STEEM to the Binance Smart Chain is as simple as:

  • logging into Metamask
  • authorizing with Steem Keychain
  • And clicking the “connect wallet” (for MetaMask) button


Once you’ve successfully swapped STEEM, you’ll receive Bsteem in your Binance Smart Chain wallet in Metamask.

From that point, all you need is a tiny bit of BNB (about $0.14 at the time) in your wallet to approve your desired Robinia contract and then stake. Claiming is just as easy. Note that using the compound feature is expensive by comparison. Here’s a screenshot from my account.


You’ll also probably want to stake to the RBS contract since it offers much higher returns.

Even as a new app, Robinia offers several features that are sure to entice. The Farm contracts are slightly more complex, but offer higher returns. I’m not entirely familiar with the IFO feature, but believe it to be for new contract proposals.


Hope you keep an eye on Robinia. It expands what’s possible with Steem and several other cryptos.



Thanks for sparing your time to promote this project, it is a nice post I must admit. I believe those still having difficult time while trying to join the pool will learn with this.

Greetings @ machnbirdsparo
No doubt this publication will be very helpful for those who have not yet been encouraged to be part of this great project of RobiniaSwap, I'm sure it will be consolidated for the help and benefit of many of the Steemit community.
Thank you very much for sharing

Thank you for info!

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