Science - Humanity - Earth - Life?

in Project HOPE3 years ago


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Science has been transforming every time mankind advances in knowledge. From the rudimentary life of the first hominids, we have gone on to transform the environment to meet our needs, and unfortunately we are paying the consequences! It seems that although we have increased our longevity, controlled most diseases, reproduction and are becoming more comfortable every day, the Earth and our other companions are suffering the consequences.


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Since man began to maintain a nomadic life, he was also able to begin the exploitation of natural ecosystems. This since our appearance has been causing damage, and much of it has been long term. Our population growth has been a determining factor, more humans, more impact! And GAIA suffers.


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We tend to believe that everything comes from the Industrial Revolution, but scientists are convinced that since we are hunters, farmers and builders - since much earlier - some even find a link between human expansion and the great extinctions of life on the planet, however, glaciations seem to be the most likely cause.


A scientific article published in April of this year in the PNAS Journal by Ellis, Gauthier and Klein talks about the anthropogenic impact and the loss of biodiversity through the use of global patterns. These allow us to analyze the possible remodeling and transformation of ecosystems as a consequence of human population effects.


What is our niche? What are we doing?

Animals, plants and any living organism fulfill a function on the planet. Have you ever wondered what function humans fulfill? We must not forget that we are in the animal scale, even though many may feel offended. At first we talked about a human being that could be a seed disseminator by maintaining a plant-based diet, even population controllers, but how do we really help terrestrial ecosystems? Do clean energies really exist? Have you ever seen any other animal making profound modifications in an ecosystem to have comfort? Well, surely most of the answers will be negative.


Man as a more recent species, even than cockroaches, has done profound damage that is being explained by the very science he created Where are we going?


I read your comments


Ellis et al. (2020). People have shaped most of terrestrial nature for at least 12,000 years. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 118 (17). doi: 10.1073/pnas.2023483118



Hello dear Professor Alejandra @lynnmargullys, welcome to Projecto.HOPE, your question, have you ever wondered what role we humans play, invites us to reflect, because although in the current circumstances of pandemic crisis it seems that we do not find concrete answers to establish conditions that allow us to reduce the numbers of infections and deaths, the only certainty is that we continue to move forward to the detriment of our own survival. Thank you for this thoughtful publication.

My dear @lupafilotaxia, I still don't know what role we have. Our struggle for existence leads us to take ourselves and the other species with us.

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