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RE: Is Bill Gates' criticism part of a media war against cryptocurrencies?

in Project HOPE2 years ago

Hello @tyrnannoght

Good point, not being at the top of power or at least not at the moment, since blockchain technology itself has somehow displaced their technology, these types of characters only take advantage of the disorder to create more chaos.

Kind regards, be well.


and thanks ... i dont mean to sound bitter about it or anything, he didn't do it singlehandedly and actually ... in a blunt way : lots of humans are scum and they're always the ones who give the rest a bad name. My first xp in crypto that made a dent wast mt Gox running off with the money, there was no regulation back then and about two years ago i started receiving mails about the court case in japan. For some reason, though i couldnt prove what was mine (a hotmail account that got removed by microsoft for "no reasons given" so i couldnt login or reset my password and the mtgox yubikey didnt count apparently. So whatever was in there i'll leave in the middle but for some reason in a weird way i feel somewhat lucky that i personally thought it was a sham while they were all still mining it on cpu's.

The japanes lawfirm offered me €0.45 (firty five eurocents) so i thanked them for the trouble and said "ofcourse, let me buy a stamp to get the official request letter" ... in my own charming way as i always do.

Ofcourse that was the very babysteps. Since then real big money has been in it and the last year or two what you see between the IMF and BOE among others and a few old-colonials (... well ...) like Gates and Buffett who probably still think "people should just work harder" and its better to have a part-time income at mcdonalds than to have a million to spend on windows pcs from crypto ... they go at it from the perspective of someone who has no clue what life on the downside is.

In gates's case however since he was silent about it before i suspect its what politicians do

every time they get in a sex scandal (or other) they find something to destroy

gates can't use ukraine perhaps like all the others do right now but i think that has something to do with it. Its too recent for the court cases to have finished or maybe even started. Diverting attention is an old politic-trick

whatever it is , i dont think i'll be buying windows 11 pcs with crypto money hahah

thanks for the nice discutable post and the reply

take care, remember, unless you put your college funds in it : it aint a loss until you sell it. I dont wanna advise b/c im not any kind of pro but i feel at this point its SO low selling it isnt even worth it

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