Bitcoin an investment alternative beyond the crossing of death

in Project HOPE3 years ago (edited)

During these almost four years of coexistence in the world of cryptocurrencies, there is something that I have been learning, and that is that between rumors and official statements nothing is for granted, and that only time and price action are the ones that mark the pace of consolidation of the crypto market.

After the Bitcoin has maintained a steady upward growth rate for 5 long months that took it above $63,000, it was to be expected successive price corrections that would give balance to the crypto market, an element that has been happening for several weeks now.

Although both events, I am referring to the bullish pace and the subsequent correction, are normal market actions, it is also important to consider a series of rumors that have created an adverse and panic scenario for investors, and to make this scenario worse, we must add the statements of the Chinese government and all the regulatory measures aimed at creating restrictions on mining and cryptocurrency linking.

The truth is that, for some analysts, the successive price corrections represent the beginning of a downward trend, especially since the last price drop caused a phenomenon known as the "death cross", which is nothing more than a signal that is formed when the average price of the last 50 days falls below the average price of the last 200 days.

Fig. 2 The crossover of death is a signal that forms when the average price of the last 50 days falls below the average price of the last 200 days. Image captured from: BINANCE

Now, beyond the death cross and all the adverse scenario that the rumors arouse day after day, it is important to remember that despite China's regulatory statements, not for nothing Li Bo vice governor of China's central bank once called Bitcoin as an "investment alternative".


[1] Lavere M China’s Central Bank Regards Bitcoin as an ‘Investment Alternative’. Article: Online Access


The cover image was designed by the author: @lupafilotaxia, incorporating the public domain image background: BINANCE

Original manuscript, uploaded from the Project HOPE community website


Hi @lupafilotaxia
If I'm not mistaken that same phenomenon of death.crosses.happened last year, and yet Bitcoin has done nothing but go up since then.
Now I have more clear that the analysis are projections that can be fulfilled or not, at the end the market has particular way to behave that sometimes we do not understand.
But, you have to have a guide, the patterns are necessary to understand them.
Thank you for this information.

Hello @josevas217

You are not wrong, indeed it was just started the previous cycle and while it was believed that the price would retreat in search of the bearish channel then the market began a steady growth that led us to the current record highs, this as you mention are only projections to find points of confirmation and guidance.

Best regards, be well.

excellent topic that you touch in this opportunity friend @lupafilotaxia, since it is impressive the things that happen around the cryptographic world, noting the importance that has gained in recent times, it is as you mention when news comes out or appears some strange movement in the market, we must know that everything will return to its course at some point, because bitcoin has come to stay forever.

Hi @yongleantonio, so do I think so too Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies are here to stay. Best regards, be well.

ofcourse patterns are necessary to understand the price movement as well as We have to check the outside secenerio of market toget complete information to predict well. Great post my friend.

Hi @luckyali

Correct, the external information gives us a better overview of the context, which when added with the chart we will have a better clarity to take position in the market.

Best regards, be well.

We have seen a small recovery in the btc charts it's a good news , many good news are coming form other countries we need to just hold tight.

Hi @adityajainxds

That's right we must keep our firmness, and more in these times of so much uncertainty, I think this area is ultimately a range to accumulate and wait for the next rebound, which apparently will not be as short as many expect it to be.

Best regards, be well.


Bitcoin is a type of digital currency that has been around for some time now. It was first introduced in 2009 by an anonymous person or group of people under the name Satoshi Nakamoto, and it is a form of decentralized currency. Bitcoin is not controlled by any central authority, which means that there are no banks involved in its transactions. There are many reasons why you should consider bitcoin as an investment alternative beyond the crossing of death. Bitcoin is a hot topic these days, and you can get all of your questions answered at this website myinvestmentmindset for live information about it.

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