Today marks the 35th anniversary of the appearance of the first version of Microsoft Windows

in Project HOPE4 years ago

November 20 of each year marks the anniversary of the emergence of the first version of Microsoft Windows when Windows 1.0 was launched as a user interface before it turned into an operating system that greatly contributed to changing the concept of dealing with computers, and today the anniversary is repeated for the 35th time after it started in 1985.
Windows did not begin as an operating system, unlike what most of the public around the world know, as the first version began as an interface on the MS-DOS operating system with the aim of facilitating dealing with computers, and then, within a few years, it turned into a basic operating system on computers.

The pinnacle of Microsoft's first success with the Windows operating system came with the launch of version 95, which achieved great sales upon its launch and became the basic system version for those looking for the best software advantages, followed by the launch of different versions until reaching the version of Windows XP that witnessed the summit of glory for many years and continued to exist on users' computers until today.

Microsoft has launched another version that carries additional benefits such as the Millennium version, which did not meet with great success with its launch, the Vista version, and the 8 version, all of which did not reach the desired success, especially since the Windows 7 version has received the attention and confidence of millions of users and is still today the second most used version after the copy. The last and tenth of the system, with which Microsoft decided to stop the designations and release updates and improvements to the same version.

Before this anniversary, Microsoft has surpassed the goal of one billion devices running Windows to be the most used computer operating system around the world and a milestone on users' devices, according to what it announced in March of this year.

The success of Microsoft Windows was limited to computers

While the Windows system was dominating the shipments of computers overwhelmingly, Microsoft tried to expand more with the advent of the era of smartphones and worked on a version of smartphones at the beginning of the current decade, but it could not compete with the top game in this field, Apple and Google, and decided to return to its own stadium, which was always alone in it.

But despite the superiority of other operating systems over Windows; Especially since the Android operating system has surpassed 2 billion users, the Microsoft system continues to acquire computers after it previously failed to compete with smart phone systems, surpassing Apple and Google with the Mac and Chrome systems ... to say here “the earth is earth and time is my time” after they forced him out of the door The distress of the phone market.

The success story that began with a simple user interface on a different operating system, its success now appears to affect the whole world after 35 years as a complete operating system and the cornerstone of the current technical development with more than a billion devices in use.


lol 35 years! i am to young!

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