Education is a double-edged swordsteemCreated with Sketch.

in Project HOPE4 years ago



Education, the backbone of humanity, is perhaps what has allowed human beings to develop to the point of touching the sky and stars without being equipped with wings. I firmly believe that education is an indispensable element for human beings; however, that same education is the sword that has been used to oppress and subdue countless people throughout history.

The fact that knowledge allows us to feel the possibility of finding a cure for any disease is indisputable, yet it has also become a powerful poison that has eaten away at the innards of many men and women. One need only look into the annals of history and make a comparison that is very discouraging.

How many people have been saved by knowledge?

How many people have been killed with knowledge?

In fact, if someone were to tell me that they know the answer to these two questions, perhaps it would be better not to know. I know very well that we are all imperfect, and it is that imperfection that makes us more human. We have learned many such complicated things, but we still do not understand or accept such simple ones...

In spite of everything I have said, I must admit something, I love education, I like to learn new things. What I will be in the future will be quite influenced by the type of knowledge I will study in the next few years.

Knowledge, and education, are two things that change people.

But beyond that education that we receive in institutions, I think the education that we receive at home is very important. The principles and values taught by our parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, and siblings, can define that adult we will be in the future.

The educational system of the institutions is far from perfect, we could say that at least it fulfills its function, but the real educational system, the parents. They must also do their part and look after their children who are like sponges, absorbing anything and if not enough attention is paid, the result can be very unpleasant.

The sentence that reads the phrase used to write this publication, is getting closer and closer to its true meaning:

Boxes that insert information into students' brains to form one more piece of the giant clock called Earth.

It is truly frightening to know that we are losing more and more of our humanity. If knowledge is accompanied by humility and good intentions it can be wonderful, but the nature of the human being has never been that of a docile being...

This post has translated with "deepl" translator. If any user sees errors, please say so in the comments to correct it as soon as possible, thanks very much. It is my first time publishing in this community, I hope you like this publication which has been written in a very spontaneous way, I have found it quite pleasant and fun, I hope I can continue to participate in this contest from now on.
I thank the judges for their work, @juanmolina and @josevas217.
Contest Rules
I would like to invite the following people: @javima @nrvan28 @milabp @babybothe @elclosetdebro y @steemporras



La educación, columna vertebral de la humanidad, es quizás, lo que ha permitido al ser humano desarrollarse hasta el punto de tocar el cielo y las estrellas sin estar provisto de alas. Creo firmemente que la educación es un elemento indispensable para el ser humano, sin embargo, esa misma educación es la espada que ha sido utilizado para oprimir y someter a incontables personas a través de la historia.

El hecho de que el conocimiento nos permite palpar la posibilidad de encontrar la cura para cualquier enfermedad es indiscutible, no obstante, también se ha convertido en un veneno fortísimo que ha corroído las entrañas de muchos hombres y mujeres. Solo hace falta revisar en los anales de la historia y hacer una comparación que resulta muy desalentadora.

¿Cuántas personas han sido salvadas con el conocimiento?

¿Cuántas personas han sido asesinadas con el conocimiento?

La verdad, si alguien me dijera que conoce la respuesta a estas dos preguntas, quizás sería mejor no saberlo. Sé muy bien que todos somos imperfectos, y es esa imperfección lo que nos hace más humanos. Hemos aprendido muchas cosas tan complicadas, pero aun no comprendemos ni aceptamos algunas tan sencillas…

Pese a todo lo que he dicho, debo admitir algo, me encanta la educación, me gusta aprender cosas nuevas. Lo que seré en el futuro estará bastante influenciado por el tipo de conocimiento que estudiare en los próximos años.

El conocimiento, y la educación, son dos cosas que cambian a las personas.

Pero más allá de esa educación que recibimos en las instituciones, creo que es muy importante la educación que recibimos en el hogar. Los principios y valores enseñados por nuestros padres, abuelos, tíos, y hermanos, pueden definir ese adulto que seremos en el futuro.

El sistema educativo de las instituciones está lejos de ser perfecto, podríamos decir que al menos cumple su función, pero el verdadero sistema educativo, los padres. También deben poner de su parte y velar por sus niños quienes son como esponjas, absorben cualquier cosa y si no se presta atención suficiente, el resultado puede ser muy desagradable.

La sentencia que reza la frase utilizada para escribir esta publicación, cada vez se acerca más a su verdadero significado:

Cajas que insertan información en los cerebros de los estudiantes para así formar una pieza más del reloj gigante llamado Tierra.

Verdaderamente aterrador es saber que, cada vez perdemos más de nuestra humanidad. Si el conocimiento viene acompañado de humildad y buenas intenciones puede ser maravilloso, pero la naturaleza del ser humano nunca ha sido la de un ser dócil...

Es mi primera vez publicando en esta comunidad, espero les guste esta publicación la cual ha sido escrito de forma muy espontanea, me ha resultado bastante agradable y divertido, espero poder seguir participando en este concurso de ahora en adelante.

Agradezco a los jurados por su labor, @juanmolina y @josevas217.

Contest Rules

Camera: Honor 7s
Photographer: @leonelb
Image Editor: Microsoft Powerpoint 2010 / NCH software

 4 years ago 

Hi @leonelb

Welcome to PH (project.hope) community :) Hope to hear more from you in the future.

ps. cyu on our discord.
Cheers, Piotr (@project.hope founder)

Of course, thank you very much for welcoming me.

Hello @leonelb
I really liked your publication, you really make very important notes in relation to education and knowledge acquisition.
Two things that tend to get confused as the same thing.
Certainly, knowledge has saved so many lives, but at the same time many have been lost for the same reason, it's paradoxical, don't you think?

Thank you very much for participating. You are invited to continue publishing in the community. I leave you the link to discord, in case you want to join our channel:

Thank you for reading, I will soon be joining your discord channel. I hope to continue participating in the future.

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