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RE: What is more dangerous, the cold or the heat?

in Project HOPE3 years ago

Anything in life in the excess form will be dangerous and the same goes for temperature, very hot isn't a healthy temperature neither very cold is. Cold temperatures are for sure more deadly as our body has ways of generating heat but not enough for the very cold temperatures, but if it happened and a person who used to live in an average temperature place then moved to a cold place and start putting himself under cold temperatures regularly by using ice baths of instance would be able to bear the cold weather better as for his brown adipose cells can function better since they are a reason for generating heat and energy in our bodies.

Nice read, thanks for sharing!


Extremes are dangerous, and we are seeing how our climate is transforming, what is dangerous is the set of diseases associated with these climates rather than the temperature itself. Greetings my friend.

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