Nobody Will Tell You The Secrets Of Leadership

in Project HOPE3 years ago

The Basics of Leadership

Individual Characteristics are the first thing we'll look at. This is a combination of knowledge, skills, and abilities contained in the leader's attitude and behavior. These traits are essential for effective leadership in organizations worldwide and industries, both public and commercial.


Photo by Jehyun Sung on Unsplash

The following are the most important personal characteristics for a successful leader.

Behaving in an Ethical Manner

Learning about ethical problems and concerns that affect your industry; taking a stable, flexible attitude to others.

Moral considerations

Evaluating the ethical problems and consequences of all personal and organizational activity; increasing and talking about ethical issues before presenting or trying to agree to decisions; trying to resist pressures from the organization.

Thinking strategically

Thinking strategically entails studying and comprehending how the organization's many activities, structural divides, and levels should interact.

Recognizing the challenges

Recognizing the challenges of adjustments in the surrounding environment, and how the organization can best respond to them.
Recognizing the company’s strengths and weaknesses, as well as the possibilities and challenges it faces; knowing how the main goals are affected by all current factors that will impact the company.

Gathering Information

Collecting information through developing numerous channels and connections that create a continual information flow from within and outside the organization; gathering, analyzing, challenging, and utilizing the information obtained on a regular and consistent basis.

Making Decisions

Developing a method for data evaluation that is reliable, Identifying existing and prospective issues using personal knowledge and experience, before deciding on a real conclusion. Explore a variety of options. Guarantee that the chosen option is practical, attainable, and cost-effective, and before accepting an application, take into account the effect of the decision on all relevant stakeholders.


Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

Building a Great Impression

Leading the charge in initiating action and making decisions, acting professionally at all times, being clear and attentive to the needs of others, adopting an honest framework to all personal and organizational activities, actively pursuing professional and personal development goals, demonstrating equality and fairness at all times and being helpful to teammates.


These leading qualities are many and difficult to handle over time, but they are characteristics that modern business leaders want and demand. It makes no difference how big the company is or whether it be in the public or private sector. All leaders should be positive role models for others, visible supporters of high professional and ethical standards, leaders who employees in their organizations can be proud of, and leaders who their opponents fear. Few of these qualities come naturally to our leaders. They must be taught, are learnable, and should be developed and improved through time.

Business leaders will be more efficient and useful if they have these personal characteristics in place and show them through their behavior and actions.

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A lot of things entails in becoming a leader than the word leader only. A leader is someone that's capable of leading and at the long run the followers will be happy he or she lead. This wonderful leadership strategies you have shared is really necessary in this our contemporary age because we are having wrong leaders and bad leaders

Thank you for your feedback; I'm glad you like my post.

 3 years ago 

very well said @mandate

hello @lennyblogs,
One of the things that few people understand is that leadership can be learned like any other skill, the only thing we have to do is to learn the fundamentals of leadership and I say the fundamentals because it is not possible to teach an art with recipes, the path that each person takes is unique because their circumstances are unique, what can be learned are the fundamentals that help to improve the art of being a leader.

 3 years ago 

hi @trabajosdelsiglo

One of the things that few people understand is that leadership can be learned like any other skill

I kind of disagree with you. I know that many people think that. But this is far from the truth. At least in my eyes.

Knowing how to build trust is not much of a skill which one can learn. And trust is crutial thing.

Learning how to listen and be patient -> that's also not a skill.

One important indicatior of good leader is his ability to handle difficult situations. When community is under pressure/attack from 3rd party. When members of community are either angry or fearful. That's when those members will look at their leader, and knowing how to be calm and how to handle situation without bringing more stress -> that's a challenge most leaders fail as well.

In other words: you recognize real leader during difficult times (it's quite easy to lead when everything is running smoothly).

Cheers, Piotr

hello @crypto.piotr,
Some time ago when I was working in sales I understood that a leader is a person who has learned to be calm in high-stress situations. Achieving this is not easy but like any human skill it can be learned.


Greetings friend, I think many people confuse the fact of being a boss and being a leader, I think that when a person is managed with high professional and ethical standards and demonstrates his leadership, one that many times the bosses ignore and do not care about the welfare of all but to achieve the objectives, when guiding with actions and example can be part of a very effective strategy to achieve organizational goals.

Greetings friend, thanks for your feedback and I totally agree with what you said, achieving goals needs to have the above leadership features.

 3 years ago 

Indeed @emiliomoron
Many people confuse those two things.

Hi @lennyblogs

Maybe no one will share with us their leadership secrets to achieve concrete goals emotionally and economically, I liked what you said "thinking strategically involves studying and understanding how the many activities, structural divisions and levels of the organisation should interact", it is certainly an excellent way to organise our activities and achieve more goals.

Best regards, be well.

Hi brother, I'm glad to know that you like my post.
Have a nice day!

Greetings @ lennyblogs
There are a variety of strategies to be a leader in an organization, in many cases some that are established are not as necessary for managers as they are for others.
It is important to note that there is not a defined list exactly to become a leader, as some are born leaders and others are built.
The important thing is to be able to effectively manage that group of people you are in charge of, so that they can be effective and efficient for the organization, complying with everything established by the administrative procedures.

Thank you very much for sharing.

Greetings, I appreciate your kind words and that's absolutely right because the leader needs to have special abilities to be successful.
Have a nice day!

Hi @lennyblogs, great content you've got here. Every great leader has to be a strategic thinker, there will always be several opinions coming from different angles and a leader has to be wise enough to think smart and only take opinions that will help move the business forward.

Hello, thank you for your nice words; I really appreciate it.
Have a nice day!

Hi @lennyblogs, thank you for sharing with all readers these leadership strategies without a doubt your recommendations are very good, since having ethics, morals, excellent strategies, establishing yourself and overcoming obstacles, making good decisions is paramount to be a good leader in all areas of your life. Greetings

Greetings, I'm glad to hear that, thanks for your kind comment.
Have a nice day!

Greetings @ lennyblogs
There are a variety of strategies to be a leader in an organization, in many cases some that are established are not as necessary for managers as they are for others.
It is important to note that there is not a defined list exactly to become a leader, as some are born leaders and others are built.
The important thing is to be able to effectively manage that group of people you are in charge of, so that they can be effective and efficient for the organization, complying with everything established by the administrative procedures.

Thank you very much for sharing.

Yes, that's right that there are some people who are born with leadership talent but if they don't invest in their talent it may disappear with time, on the other hand, leadership is a feature that can be taught.
Thanks for your comment.

 3 years ago 

Dear @lennyblogs

Interesting choice of topic buddy.
Issues related to leadership has been always fascinating me. To the point, that sometimes I wonder where to draw a line between being a leader and knowing how to manipulate crowds/masses. Often those two seem to be inter-linked. Wouldn't you agree?

In my personal view, there are few things that one need to focus on in order to become succesful leader. Most of all: learning to listen. This is so much harder than it sounds and most people fail big time.

One important indicatior of good leader is his ability to handle difficult situations. When community is under pressure/attack from 3rd party. When members of community are either angry or fearful. That's when those members will look at their leader, and knowing how to be calm and how to handle situation without bringing more stress -> that's a challenge most leaders fail as well.

In other words: you recognize real leader during difficult times (it's quite easy to lead when everything is running smoothly).

ps. Love that banner!

Cheers, Piotr

Hello @crypto.piotr!

I can say I could see you in a situation where your leadership skills have gone under a test since it was a tough time for many members who may have had some doubts back then about the future of ProjectHope. However, you handled the situation in a calm way and made sure that all members stayed satisfied too, which I believe it seemed hard from my perspective.

Glad you loved my banner! Thanks for reading through.

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