Believe in the signs.

in Project HOPE3 years ago


Each one of us has interests in different things, believe in different things, that's why we live different lifestyles, that's why we make different life decisions some of us do the right thing and others will go on the wrong way but, that's life and I will tell you how I make most of my decisions in life.

Signs never disappoint me

I've used to think I'm so lucky in my life because most of the decisions I made led to great consequences, but then I figured that all I did was following the signs, and all it took me was to think about the past a little when I noticed I never ignore any sign, I don't regret any decision so I will never be disappointed, I just take everything I do as a life lesson so the same mistake won't be made again.

It was really efficient in my life, I never feel down nowadays I wake up with positivity because I know that when I'm about to make a decision it will be made with full confidence that there is something good waiting for me afterward all I need to be patient and never ignore the fate signs since I always have all the control of my life.

What do you base your decisions on?


I would love to see how do you all think and how do you make daily life decisions, maybe learn too...It will be a great personality development if we share ideas, thoughts, and experiences together right?

Thanks for reading.


Daily decision I took is based on agreement it has with my heart and weighing the potential consequences for these decisions if they will be

So wise I like that.
Thanks for reading!

Greetings @lennyblogs00 good reflective contribution that you share with us, I on the contrary I am not so observant is why I do not limit my actions based on the signs, on the contrary I consider myself a man who tries to schedule and set goals to achieve their goals and the successes or errors are based on a plan that in some cases are achieved as some simply fail to give. Thank you for your contribution

Very practical, amazing!
Thanks for reading!

Nice post!

The signs say everything by themselves, but it is enough to know how to interpret them in the right way to act or stop. In a way, they are signs that “push” us, almost inexorably, to make a decision.

Exactly! If we follow the right sign we will end up with great consequences .

Thanks for reading!

Short and nice piece. Careful thinking and perhaps comparison with similar scenarios help me a lot as well

Glad that you like it, I do like to keep my blogs so simple and short so people won't be lazy or feel bored reading it.
Thanks for reading!

Overthinking spoils the game.
When it looks like we are thinking too much, STOP and take decision.

You are right, actually, I never thought about something like that.

Thanks a lot for reading and sharing!

Truth friend, signs often serve as a very clear sign to direct us in the right path but then we just need to have a deep reflection over what we want and let the signs lead us.

Exactly. Thanks a lot for reading!

Hello @lennyblogs I really liked what you propose and you say it has worked very well for you. I have also thought about the importance of listening to our heart, our mind, our instinct and as you say those signs that appear and for which we must be good observers, I must confess that many times I do it and others not, and perhaps I have despaired in some result, but it is something we should always practice especially when making momentous decisions ... thanks for sharing!

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