The dreams remains the dream, where you achieve them matters not

in Project HOPE3 years ago



Everyone has a dream or at least an ambition they hope to fulfil before leaving the earth. Regardless of the sex, race, age, culture, background or even religious beliefs, each and everyone has a goal they all hope to attain. So, it will not be surprising to know that the average Nigerian guys also have big dreams that will scare everyone around the world.

It is so easy to easily write off souls which originates from the country called Nigeria and the truth is, it is so hard to blame the people who are guilty of this. So many negative presses emit from the country and over-exaggeration of bad events are to be blamed. The Nigerians abroad are also doing nothing to change the narrative and sharing more light on the good things of the country rather they completely deny being from the country Nigeria.

They are great examples of Nigerians all over the world who are doing fine in their respective field and that is enough to ginger every Nigerians into doing their best to attain their heart desires. Nigerians are one set of individuals with a very strong will (it is safe to say they have one of the strongest wills) and they see failure as just an event in their journey towards the actualization of their dreams.

A great example of Nigerians doing well in their craft could be cited from the likes of Israel Adesanya and Usman who competes in the UFC octagon ring. These men were birthed in Nigeria before seeking greener pastures overseas and now, they are champions of their respective division. Their dominance is one in which cant be questioned rather, to be respected, longed for and of course feared.



Being at the top just do not happen in a day and you spot that from their stories. While the new generation of Nigerians currently been bred has not gotten the memo yet and resulted in a faster route (which are mostly indecent and criminal in nature), the older generation is beginning to get fed up and just seat back and watch. Although most speak against this act, but it is mostly falling on the deaf ears of the youths.

Recent occurrence surrounding Nigerian has further thrown us into more bad light such as the country being among the top countries with a very low supply of electricity. This new development is crazy and morale-sapping, and it could ordinarily ruin a man’s motivation. For a country which is said to be one of the highest suppliers of electricity in the Africa region to other countries, it's shocking to find out that they themselves hardly enjoy what they have.

This state the country Nigeria found itself could be blamed on the government and the incompetent sets of people who have been elected to help make this life-changing decision and yet they continue to fall short of their duty. They are either unprepared and unwillingly to enact the changes needed or they are just clueless. I personally feel their greed has been one of their major problems and it’s been the driving force to their bad governance.

The government alone does not have to share the blame alone, the unwilling nature of the youths to take responsibilities could also be cited but who can blame them? Some are literally tired to enact a change, they just want to have a life there and live a happy life while alive. Being alive in Nigeria is a luxury and one treats life as an essential commodity to this day. When you try being an agent of change, unforeseen forces try to stop one and it is really demoralizing.

While this might be setbacks, the stronger willed will see it has a reason to push on and get the job done. Giving up a dream is not worth it has it makes one see no value to continue living. The Nigeria dream for every youth currently is to find a way out of the country and actualize their dreams. A lot of people are buying into this ideology and truth be told it makes sense on all front considering the situation of things in the country now.



Leaving the country Nigeria to the more developed nations is not an easy task as Nigeria has been regarded as a third world country and it also carries a criminal tag which is a red flag. Regardless of these tags, Nigerians have managed to succeed on a global scale in their fields abroad and they get honoured for that over there. Being in Nigeria they can not achieve their level of recognition or level of competence and the reason is simple.

More Nigerians rush to countries such as Canada, the UK and the US of America in search of quality education and great jobs. The government of these countries has made schooling looks compelling and every youth over there are enticed to get educated and get at least a BSc honours in a university. That is not the case in Nigeria, most youths are tired of schooling as they have spent more time in school than the accredited time they were supposed to have spent.



It is a common occurrence to see students using 10 years for courses that are supposed to take just 4 years in government-owned universities due to strikes. This strike is being caused by the government inability to pay lecturers their salaries and the unwillingness of the lecturers to take pay cuts they are by causing stops to the schooling of motivated youths.

These strikes put an end to all schooling activities in the university and even the closure of the school and they might take months or even years before a resolution will be met. As funny and illogical has may sounds they are attainable facts in Nigeria varsities. It might sound foreign to citizens of advanced worlds but it is attainable in my dear country Nigeria to this age. No one will want to school under this condition, and it is hard to fault their decisions.

From a comfortable position that many seats, it is hard to see the struggles of another and that is why it is inappropriate to fault the decision of youths to leave the country in search of greener pastures. At the end of the day, we all have a decision to make and the best we could do is to at least respect the decision made by others. This is food for thought to those with judgements at heart already. The race for everyone is different and we have no accurate assertion to judge another.

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