Persons: Struggling to be accepted

in Project HOPE4 years ago


Join the groups.

There is one common characteristic among so many people and that is the need to socialize. It is not something new, the desire to share and integrate into groups seems to be something cultural or has to do with what is well or badly seen by others. When someone is alone, they are usually criticized and they think it is boring or just weird; so having friends is good and being alone is bad?

Let's start with childhood.

Here is a great dilemma, we humans are extremely complex and seeking the acceptance of others has become a constant struggle. For whom do we want to be accepted? well, let's start with the children and find the parents, in front of them the child wants to be the best, the most applauded and honored or simply that his virtues are always recognized and they fear that their defects are seen, because they do not want to disappoint their parents, then there are the brothers, teachers, friends and even the bosses.


Other people's opinions.

While people are not equal, there are a large number who live in need of approval. Many professionals in psychology have determined that these people are insecure with low self-esteem, dependent and that they care a lot about the opinion of others, even for them it is a priority and with just one criticism they collapse, because they feel bad immediately, since it is difficult for them to learn from them and on the contrary they are grateful to be criticized; this requires a lot of self-confidence.


Judging is easy, understanding others is difficult, because for this large group of people it is difficult to understand that there is diversity of opinion and everything affects them, you must first have loyalty to yourself before others. I think that everything begins as a child, it has to do with what you learn, the environment in which you grow up; because solid foundations always make strong and determined people. To live only to wait for approval is not healthy, you are not really free, so you judge less and understand more; between listening or not to a child there is a big difference, because being strong or weak is not a matter of luck, on the contrary I think it is a matter of formation, of values, of what you have learned.

Insecurity can always be overcome.

To be more unique and independent, to suffer less when you are criticized and still want to be in a group where you must live struggling to be accepted. You can overcome insecurity as long as you want to.

Be true to yourself, we're all different.

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"In constant evolution".


I think this is really one of the reasons I love my personality sometimes. I am really not concerned about anyone accepting me or wanting to be a part of some people circle. I do things that I'm pleased with and I don't really give a damn about what people may think of me.

Thanks for sharing this great post with love from @hardaeborla and I hope you have a great day ahead

As humans, it is okay to have these social needs, to strive to be accepted by your own kind, but it's the art of self control to understand that this doesn't always come and to be okay if these social needs are not met, because most times they are not...unfortunately.

The urge to be accepted by parents, peers and mates really limits bout abilities to become ourselves.

This attitude can be worked upon starting from the parents teaching their kids that no matter how much they try, they will never be acceptable/ liked by everyone.

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