Market Crash & "Education"


The recent dip in crypto market prices shows that there are very few people who know what they are doing while others have no idea what is going on.

Most people are not aware of the utilities of the tokens they have in their portfolios, they just bought it because someone said so. And similarly, they will sell it, if someone will tell them it is going to fall.

Sudden blind investments may increase the price rapidly, but that is just a bubble, people who believe in this price are the ones who lose money in the long run.

Whenever a price correction happens it brings the price to a level where the investments are actually of the ones who understand product or token and that is the reason it does not go beyond that point.

And as more and more people will understand the potential of the product, true investments will increase and the price will increase. This type of investment stays for long unlike the "blind" ones.

But why does such "Blind" investments happen?


These "Blind" investors somewhere reflect how our education system has been, lets try to relate the traits of these "Blind" investors:

1 Proft over Interest
These investors would invest in a product even if they are not interested in it, if it is going on an upward trend, it is welcomed.

This mindset goes back to student life when they were asked to choose careers that give more money, interest doesn't matter.

2 Research over Advice
These investors are too lazy to do some analysis or research, taking advice seems easy.

Since childhood we have been given advice on almost everything, we are never asked to do a self-analysis of the choices we make. Spoonfeeding is in our blood now.

3 Fundamentals vs Face Value
These investors make their decision based on the face value or by just looking at the surface, fundamental is always overlooked.

Very few students are there in the class who pay attention to fundamental concepts, others just mug up the formulas.

This is just a small comparison of how our education system is somewhere responsible for the kind of decisions we make in the future.
Kindly share your views.


Certainly there is little education in the crypto market as many people see it as a way to make a quick buck and yet a large number end up losing as they do not wait for the fluctuations. Knowledge is complicated when it is based on speculations and experiences that are not repeated but are believed to be infallible. It will take time before this deficiency is solved but as the saying goes, the blows teach and many will learn now in the bear market.

Certainly, these setbacks will give people a reality-check.
Crypto is fairly new game. With pandemic it has arrived earlier. People will take time to get hold of it.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.13
JST 0.028
BTC 64970.70
ETH 3238.82
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.64