It is none of your business!!

in Project HOPE3 years ago (edited)


It is none of your business

Hey, don’t get me wrong by above title, it is just an observation.
Have you ever done the analysis of your whole day? How you spent your most of the time?
What you generally talk most of the time, is it about your action or about other’s action.

I don’t mean that if you talk about others that is wrong but can you really help them in anyway?

And if you can’t help in any format then don’t you think so that you are wasting your time?

Now try to connect with the title “it is none of your business

We have observed that most of the time people speak/discuss those things which are not in their control, they even don’t have any idea about the same but they can’t stop themselves to criticise, admiring, sharing the feedback, to correct other’s effort.

One interesting example related to the above which I came across is the criticism of Indian cricket team and price fluctuation in petrol & diesel.

Look around the social media, you will find this as a trending topic. Surprisingly, 80 per cent of people are not aware of the basics of both the concerns.

Whether it is about cricket or about fuel..they even don’t belong to the domain but they waste their lot of time in speaking or writing about the same.

This is not the only case but in their daily life also they are doing the same thing, they are controlling the uncontrollable and when they fail, become frustrated and stressed.

So better if we focus on the controllable, on our expertise, on our domain.

Like this we will grow!

Otherwise you are loosing your most precious gift which you can’t get again.....TIME.

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