Getting into Splinterlands has been addictive as hell. Everyone must explore play2earn gaming

in Project HOPE2 years ago

Daily Quest Update

First and foremost, let me give you an update about my daily quest. Today the quest that I got was to win 5 battles using Fire Splinter.


It took me 15 battles to complete the daily quest. A 33% success rate is not so good in my opinion. However, Fire Splinter is not one of my favorite Splinters to play this game. However, I did complete the quest and won a card for completing it.


My battle links are given below -

Splinterlands Battle Link 1
Splinterlands Battle Link 2
Splinterlands Battle Link 3
Splinterlands Battle Link 4
Splinterlands Battle Link 5

Despite a poor win rate, I have improved my game. Now I look at the other player's strategies to understand their gameplay and then choose my cards. It will also be evident in the games that I won, so I highly recommend going through the links.

The card I won was Pelacor Deceiver


I feel this is a good card when playing with Death Splinter for low mana battles. Its health and speed work in its favor.

Card Purchases

I am now using the HBD payout on my hive posts to buy Chaos Legion Packs. I have bought 5 packs so far and will be purchasing another 2 today. I also have $245 in my HBD savings account on Hive wallet and will use that in 3 days to buy more Chaos legion packs. I have a target of buying 100 packs. Let's see if I can reach my target before the packs sell out. If they do, the money will go into the next sale.


Let's take a look at the cards that I own now. I have a total of 33 cards now -








I hope I can have many more cards so that I can combine them to unlock more powerful cards that belong to higher levels. I have played games where the opponent had some really cool cards and I stood no chance against them.

I will share the updates about my card purchases soon. I have also identified a cool strategy for beginners that I think has a great success rate. I will test the strategy further before sharing an update in my next post. I need to test my strategy based on data as opposed to a hunch.

Till the next post, enjoy playing Splinterlands!


I always say I will start playing and never do. Seeing your enthusiasm should cheer me up. I hope it does.

Splitnerland has always been addictive to me also. I remember when I always play it using steem monster then before dropping that gaming side down for education.

Splitnerland is a fun game and not only that but also even the prospect of making some few bucks complement everything

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