What plans do you have to safeguard your family for this 2022?

in Project HOPE3 years ago


At the beginning of the year 2020, very few people imagined the drastic turn that our world would take; how the ways of working, socializing, studying would change. Covid 19 caught many families off guard, without a money fund, without medical insurance, without funeral insurance. It is that nobody thought the magnitude of how strong it would be.
We lost jobs, our businesses closed, we couldn't see loved ones for a long time, and we even lost loved ones. This led us to reinvent ourselves, to be much more careful, and to be much more strategic and planning. In my personal case I lost my job and working now with cryptocurrencies for many people was crazy on my part. Until now I am useless until they have seen the fruits.


This has led me to be much more focused on goals and not so impulsive. I have heard about the new strain and here in Medellín Colombia where I currently reside, the rumor has already been heard that they will close everything again and send everyone home. That made me remember how bad my family and I had that year. and I decided to make a strategic plan so as not to go through the same economic situation. So my commitment to steemit grew with the goal of continuing to grow my account and invest in cryptocurrencies even though there is a drop in all their prices. I have also decided to spend as necessary. buy non-perishable food and have an amount of money as emergency insurance.
People have to understand that digital investments are not any future, they ARE NOW, and a good investment can save you and your family from bankruptcy and be able to withstand any economic decline that our country may suffer. Unfortunately, many physical businesses, enterprises, restaurants no longer exist, so this is a real option to avoid stagnation.



Hello @josstovar7!
The situation today is very uncertain and has been since last year with the pandemic, since it totally changed our lives from one day to the next, but it is good that you are already planning to move forward and be prepared for any eventuality. Greetings!

Hello friend @josstovar7

This year I plan to move forward with God's help first, since this current year has given us a little hard with the pandemic that has reached many of us and it was a radical change in our lives, from our jobs.

Greetings and thank you for your contribution

that's how she was friend. for many it was an abrupt change. and good that you are in tune. Thank you for your comment

Hello friends
Thank you so much for posting within our community and appreciate that you have shared Sachin ise topic with us.
You are right that in the year 2022 it is very important for our first safeguard our family and the biggest safety that we all require would be from the cold find me because it's still with us and we should try all the best possible to keep ourselves safe. Have a great day

Thanks to you for contributing your comment. Cheers

Hi @josstovar7, this pandemic speed up the entire process of digitalization, now we understand that the world is getting completely digital and the better we join in the race, the better and easier it is for us to survive.

I hope we never get a repitition of compulsory lockdown, but some situations will still never change.

totally agree. We cannot stand idly by. I would not like a complete blockade on our cities either, but you have to be aware

Hello mate!

I feel like it's kinda impossible for us to predict what might happen and what shall we do about the pandemic in such rough days, especially with new variants between time and another. Yet planning and looking at what we might be able to do in order to change the current personal circumstances, if they are bad, is a great move and capable of changing many people lives.

Thanks for sharing!

That's right my friend, it's almost impossible to predict. and that is why you have to be alert to at least soften any blow. thanks for commenting friend

 3 years ago 

Hello @josstovar7

Thank you for posting within our project.hope community on STEEMit.

Please spare few minutes and read how project.hope is organized and learn about our economy.

That would help you understand more our goals and how are we trying to achieve them. Hopefully you will join our community and become strong part of it :)

Do you use telegram or discord? If you do then join our server and give me a shout. I would gladly share with you goals of our community and introduce to others from our team.

Consider joining our discord server: https://discord.gg/uWMJTaW

@project.hope team,

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