Your best investment is yourself

in Project HOPE3 years ago

Hello community, greetings. Today I want to comment on something I recently read. All of us in one way or another are looking for ways to increase our productivity, we are always looking for ways to improve permanently, ways to invest, always learning, at least I do, and it's nice for me.

But, it is useless to be told about business if in our mind we cannot see anything of what they are trying to point out, if we do not have the necessary tools to interpret what they tell us or to be able to analyze this business, in such a way that we could rather go into a process contrary to the one we want.



So for me training is our best investment, to provide our mind the skills through acquired knowledge to be able to elucidate what could happen with a business, how to get the best results, if we can relate it to another one that we are running, it can only be possible if we invest in our training, this is "if we invest in ourselves ".

Then, for example, if we are in the world of cryptocurrencies, which we know there are thousands of them, different Blockchain with similar characteristics and other differences, it is logical that in order to understand each project in which we want to invest it is necessary that we spend time to know the project and then is that we should invest, not the other way around, and the latter is what unfortunately most people do.



Investing in a business that we do not know is undoubtedly a big mistake that can be very expensive. For this reason, I will insist that we must invest in our training before investing in any business or in any personal project.

What we learn, always ends up being useful in one way or another, it is never a loss, I think that knowledge is summative, and always adds value to the person who acquires it. For that reason it is so advisable to always read, spending even 20 minutes reading can leave you a lot for the future, if you are one of those who prefer to listen, there are thousands (maybe millions) of audiobooks, so there are no excuses for training.

As for me, I'll keep reading, I'll keep learning, and I'll keep moving forward, What about you? will you join me?

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It is true that many times we make the mistake of not investing in us who are the ones who generate, but not only in researching and learning, sometimes we neglect our health, food and more things and when we realize it is too late, we are important and this should make us put in the first plan.
Excellent work

Greetings friend @josevas217, certainly sometimes we make the mistake of starting a project without first finding out what it is or if we are really interested, but sometimes it is the pressures that people have that force us to start a project without first investigating. I share with you that training is fundamental for our personal and professional growth.

Thanks much time is precious and its infinite, having ample time to develop our skill and acquire knowledge is very important and its one of the major things we can do is invest wisely in our time.

No long talk, the best investment in this life is surely on oneself. Amazing post brother

When we invest in ourselves we feel strong enough to engage in new worlds or challenges. Reading, informing ourselves will help us to make the right decisions.

Investing in ourselves is a winning investment even if it happened that we don't use the knowledge we acquired, this knowledge will never be a waste and might be useful for another time in life.

If someone invests in himself/herself so they can succeed in some business then they started the right way and put their first step since he/she could figure out that investing in himself/herself is a priority.

Nice read, thanks for reading!

Hello @josevas217 Very interesting your proposal, it is very intelligent what you propose, it is always of great value everything we can learn, and even more if it is to start a business I agree with you, first we must know it and train ourselves for it ... greetings!

20 minutes, at least, because there are times when it must be much longer. I have made that mistake you mention, of venturing to invest in something I don't know: it has cost me money, time and effort. Thank you for reminding us that today there are no excuses if we want to learn about something.

Best regards.

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