Terra Luna Falls: To invest or not to invest? that is the dilemma.

in Project HOPE2 years ago

Problems with the main stablecoin of Terra's Blockchain, which has caused the price of its Stablecoin to fall a lot, even being worth less than 0.5$. This really is a big problem, even the Luna coin, which traded above $110, we have now been able to buy it at $1. In less than 24 hours this coin has lost more than 90$ of its value, which has made that, because of the transcendence and the sound that this project had, it has affected a lot in other alternative cryptos.

I think it has been a very strong blow to the crypto environment the rapid fall of this project, at least according to what can be seen at this stage, however. Based on what I have seen, and this is obviously not investment advice, the team behind this Blockchain, and very precisely behind Anchor Protocol, so far, has proven to be quite committed, which leaves the door open for me to think about the fact that they will do their best to get the project back on its feet.

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If so, as in fact I believe it will be, that Luna currency could reach very good prices again, which would mean that buying at current prices could be a great opportunity. Is it a safe investment? I particularly believe that no investment is, that is why always, if we are going to put money in something, it has to be money that we can afford to lose in case of any eventuality.

Personally I made a small investment and acquired some Luna tokens at that low price, I will keep them, I will follow up the project and see what happens later on. But I hope that my impression of the team behind this project, which I have been following for a few months now, is accurate.



Apparently behind all this abrupt fall there are some very large whales, which made a move within the ecosystem with all the intention of making the price drop, in addition to this, we must bear in mind that the fear in the markets due to abrupt drops it tends to travel much faster than the news of a good investment, for example. It's only a matter of time, to know what will really happen with this project, and I will be closely following the announcements of the founding team.

It is unfortunate that these situations occur, because when a new project disappears or crashes, it does not make much noise, but when this happens with a large project, such as this one, it is a big problem, which fills many with fear. .

If you want to invest, remember to do your own research beforehand, and make your decision based on what you think is convenient.

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Greetings @josevas217 certainly could be a good strategy that mentions us even invest some capital in the currency is not unreasonable since its fall has been abrupt and at a surprising speed now well since your publication until the date of this comment the currency is already below 0.5 cents which has been a this thanks to those investor and who contributed for a project who theory was profitable will continue to follow developments and efforts that will make the team behind the project moon greetings.

It remains to be seen what will happen. People have emerged, solid projects to support Luna, I hope it will give good results.

Hello @josevas217

The situation in the cryptocurrency market is very convulsed, maybe investing is not the best option in spite of the low prices, maybe taking a position is a serious mistake that later we can pay dearly.

Best regards, be well.

Undoubtedly, investing at this time is riskier than usual, but, at this time, not risking what you can't lose is a maxim.

Hello dear @josevas217, it is a strong blow for terra investors and that spreads the fear to the whole market, let's hope Luna can recover, it is a risky investment to invest at this time but he who does not risk does not win.

Have a great weekend.

It is difficult, the truth is, we do not know what is going to happen. But what is certain is that this could have been a big blow, but it makes us think that we have to recover faster.

It could be a good opportunity to invest something, in a troubled river, the proverb says, and for those of us who have been in this cryptographic world for a long time, we know that there are not very clear factors in the manipulation for the fall of this currency. It is only necessary to be prudent in these cases

I also think it is clear that there was incredible manipulation. You have to be very cautious

Personally I made a small investment and acquired some Luna tokens at that low price, I will keep them, I will follow up the project and see what happens later on

Well, I bought some UST at $0.70. It can easily go lower but if it climes back the peg of $1, I will have profited 30%. It's a risky investment but I think it may be worth a go

Thanks for sharing :) @josevas217

Coincidentally I bought some tokens at that price too, but it went down, and I bought some more. I just have to wait.

I particularly believe that no investment is, that is why always, if we are going to put money in something, it has to be money that we can afford to lose in case of any eventuality.

You've made a very good point here. Always invest money you can afford to lose in any case. As for Terra Luna, I'll recommend investing small, an amount that won't hurt you if lost, because the fall is truly unbelievable. For such a project to get back to it's feet may be lots of work. But after all, investing has always been for risk takers. I wish the team behind this project all the best. Thanks for posting.

A recovery is not so close, indeed, it is a high-risk investment, but if it recovers, we will be able to earn a good part of it.

I think it's best to watch from the stands for now. Things are far from settled and the whole space is running on the wrong direction. Things can get even crazier soon.

Well, yes, the market is really complicated nowadays. Very difficult to know where to go at the moment.

Currently they have stopped the blockchain and might try to pull a rabbit out of the bag to make things work for them.

I hope they come out with something that really allows for a recovery, even if it is relative, maybe it won't get to those previous points, but, I think if it gets to even a dollar a lot of people might feel a little more secure.

My advice, wait 18 months, or about six months after central banks stop raising rates.

When credit starts to expand again, then it's time to buy financial assets, but not before.

Now is the time to conserve cash, and weather a recession that is coming.

I also believe that a very hard recession is coming, and you have to take care of the capital you have, because you can easily lose it.

I've been following up the terra case closely and i could say there are whole lots of negative rumor about the blockchain and its CEO being the sole reason for this imminent dump.

Although the CEO have published on his Twitter handle that hes working hard with the team to gain investors trust.

He added interesting strategy on how to bring back terra price.

My take here is terra is at good buy zone for those with spear money although it will be real hard to regain investors trust in the future.

A new CEO is probably needed, perhaps with the support of solid companies could turn everything around, but not just anyone wants to take on that problem.

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