Technology created, society changingsteemCreated with Sketch.

in Project HOPE4 years ago

"First we create the tools, then the tools create us. " Marshall McLuhan

Hello community of Project Hope and Steemit in general, I hope you are having a productive week, full of energy possibility to create doing what you like. Today I have found the phrase that I start this publication and has inspired me to write about it, follow me to know what I want to raise from this phrase, with which I agree.

We can understand the word tool as some instrument that facilitates the execution of a work, and it can be used in the context of manual work as well as in computer science, in social networks, as well as in many other ways.



He will repeat the phrase: "First we create the tools, then the tools create us." Marshall McLuhan, What do you think when you read it? I want to emphasize the use of the word tool within the technological framework, since technology is without a doubt one of the main tools of today, and it serves to perfectly exemplify what I want to say, what that phrase made me think when I read it.

Considering the internet as a great tool, which allowed the creation of so many things, and above all ways of communicating, at least in my opinion, it was little by little after its creation being used more and more, at the beginning as an advertising tool, which allowed to reach more people in less time, but as time went by new ways of communicating were created making use of this technological tool called internet.

It became necessary to create more powerful computers that allowed a better and wider use of this (internet) that as a kind of blood allowed to keep in touch. This is how smart phones came about, which are becoming more and more advanced, allowing communication not only by means of messages, photography and calls, but thanks to the unification of visual and auditory things it is now possible to make video calls.

A great tool, without a doubt, however, was created first to facilitate many processes, and it has done so, but doesn't it seem to you that the internet has changed absolutely everything in our society? .

I can say in particular that nothing is the same as when I was 10 years old, and in a little more than two decades the world has changed radically, the social structures are not the same, although in essence we are still fighting for the same thing.

This technological tool has changed the world radically since its creation, there are things that have improved, unquestionably, but I also believe that part of the human side of humanity has been lost, and I can say that the social side is now conceived from another point of view, which cannot be separated from the technological side, because obviously, social change has come after a great change in everyone's mentality.

This is my conclusion, and I agree that behind the creation of a tool for social impact, there is usually an adaptation of society based on this tool, and you don't think so?

Thank you very much for reading me. I would like to read in the comments what you think about it.

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josevasGIFT FINAL.gifLOGOTOP.png

Indeed technology is the tool that is changing the for the best, there are no two ways about it. big ups @josevas217

Thank you for commenting @anonemous
Certainly, I believe that everything is changing, and technology is increasingly present in everything.

Good article, the web is the largest library of humanity and that is the mother of all tools.

It is difficult to visualize now a world without the Internet. I agree, it's the largest library, and growing all the time.
Thank you for commenting @trabajosdelsiglo

Technology is a tool that, while evolving, will always generate a great change in all areas, usually for the better but it can also be for the worse, everything depends on the use you give it.

YES, that is the detail, it will always depend on the use you give it.
Thanks for your comment @roronoa07

Hello friend @josevas217 certainly technology has radically changed our way of life, nothing is the same as 15 or 20 years ago, technology came to stay and I think today is indispensable for many of our activities.

In the last 10 years it has been impressive the reach it has had, simply impressive. And every day many things come up, it's impossible to keep up with all the development.
Thanks for commenting @franyeligonzalez

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