Some notes on Photovoltaic Solar Energy - Everything has its downside

in Project HOPE4 years ago

Hello community Project.Hope, I hope you have an excellent week ahead of you, plus things are stabilizing in your home countries. This week I start my publications in PH continuing with a topic I started a few days ago in this publication, in which I talked about some not so favorable points that wind power generation has, so I had some questions about the electric power generated from solar energy.

That although there is a lot of talk about it, I figured that "like everything", it must have its not-so-good points, and so I did some research on it.



I will start by highlighting the strengths of this energy, which are mentioned in different articles, I can summarize them as follows:

  • It is Renewable, also Inexhaustible (coming from the sun, then, the star king would have to disappear, not to count on it), it does not contaminate, it has a positive effect on global warming because it decreases the use and generation of energy from other sources, so it also decreases the consumption of fossil fuels. The generation of these solar power plants can create large amounts of employment in the area where it is established, and in a way makes it self-sustainable.

These are some positive points that can be highlighted on their own, if I make a comparison with wind energy, I can say that the noise that is generated in the former, will not be present here.


Image of my autorship

Taken with the Huawei Y5 phone

Something that caught my attention, within the benefits is that you can even generate some kind of profit from your investment. In what way?

In the installation of these systems, it is possible that from their use we can generate more energy than we need for the operation of our home or business, and this surplus could be used to sell it to other people close to us, or at least in my opinion it is an option we have to have an additional income.

I want to clarify that I am talking in this specific case about the energy obtained from photovoltaic solar panels, which "are those that transform solar energy into electric energy " Source. Because in addition to this type there are also the thermal solar panel and the concentrated solar panel, which have other interesting functions .

Of course, not all pink, as it is popularly said, there are some details that I must highlight as disadvantages, I could say. the first thing:

  • It is the low efficiency that is obtained, it is estimated that approximately 30% of the solar energy that arrives at the panels is what can be converted into electrical energy, so this leads us to another great detail, which is the following.

  • It is necessary of great extensions of lands to have a great benefit, at least for great amounts of houses and establishments. We are talking about hectares, in this case.

  • The other great detail is that it is an expensive technology, large investments are required to carry out these facilities, like all renewable energy, is usually expensive, we know.

  • It is easy to be affected by variations in the climate. If it is very cloudy, the solar energy decreases in proportion that it reaches the panels and of course the amount of energy that will be produced is less.

  • For the manufacture of the panels is used "cadmium sulfide and gallium arsenide ", highly toxic components that take centuries to decompose. Then, those solar panels that are already fulfilling their useful life must find a place for them, in which nature is not harmed, there is a great detail.

As you can see, there are good points and others not so much in each thing that human beings undertake, I guess in these cases should be assessed in terms of risk benefit to the world, for humanity and see what is most convenient.

Thank you very much for the reading and support in advance.

Good week to all

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At this time, the cost seems to be the biggest hurdle in having this set up for a regular household. Say, for a family of five. The initial investment might be too much for the savings you get on your electric bills.

Yes, I totally agree. It's expensive, I've been looking at some prices and the costs are high.

First is the cost and then the risk management.
I studied about it that if the cells inside it consume more power than it is required, it creates fire! hence there are a lot of risks to be covered while thinking to use these.
I loved the publication :)

Hello @haidermehdi
I had no idea about this that you mention, of course, I know that everything has its risks, but this one in particular I did not know.
Thank you for your input.

No need to thank we are all here for each other :)

I hope that in the future each house has its respective solar panels, I think the best way to generate electricity, but who knows I do not think that large companies allow that that simple

In this war of powers I don't think it's so viable to facilitate these processes. But, we have to give time to time. Thank you for commenting.

I agree with you, they are clean and renewable energies that are not sufficient to be used up, but if we see it from the point of view that all the energy that this photovoltaic plate is going to receive, all that energy is not used up, only a percentage is going to be used up, that's why it is an expensive energy, and if there are climate variations we are going to have low results, but from my point of view it would be a good option for the future. Greetings friend @josevas217

I'm sure it is, I also think it's a good way to get energy. Especially considering that the sun is inexhaustible, in theory.
Thanks for your comment.

Hello @josevas217.

Great publication, for many years the man has increased his interest in the search of other forms of energies through other sources as the one that you share with us in this opportunity, the Sun, but as you express not everything is positive always we are going to find negative aspects in any activity of we realize, as far as the generation of this type of energy I emphasize the negative aspect that you describe:

Cadmium sulfide and gallium arsenide", highly toxic components that take centuries to decompose, are used to manufacture the panels. Then, those solar panels that are already fulfilling their useful life must find a place for them, in which nature is not damaged, there is a great detail.

An enormous challenge for the generators of this type of energy, but as you express the important thing is to evaluate the risk-benefit factor for nature and all of us.

Hello @rbalzan79. Yes, indeed everything has its not so good points. But, it is an option, and the sun is for everyone. I think we have to see how we don't do more damage to nature.

It is certainly not an option for those who do not have great investment capacity, per I trust that in the future costs will be reduced using cheaper materials, and everything points to what will be achieved

Yes, it really is very expensive. It is NOT for the average citizen. Whoever wants to have something with that technology, must have a big investment.

I believe we'll see great advancements in contending with climate variations.

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