How much money are you ready to make?

in Project HOPE3 years ago

We all want to earn money, enough to or have to worry about our basic expenses, each one in his own way, but the most common way is to change our time for money in a traditional job, I don't want to say that this is wrong, it seems to have worked for a long time, that's why we were trained, to work and live based on a schedule and a weekly, biweekly or monthly payment, but, things have changed, somehow.

To a great extent cryptocurrencies and the whole current digital and financial environment, thanks to the confinement by the pandemic, made many realize that a formal job is not always the best option and that it is subject to certain risks, for example many were unemployed this year, or some (like me) were unemployed the first months of this 2020, however I can say that thanks to the savings I had in cryptocurrencies I was able to pay all my expenses of house, rent of the house, food, services, etc..

This gave me a new perspective on finance, and convinced me to redirect my interests in relation to work.



There are those who say that money is not important, that it does not bring happiness, among many other things, however, who can really cover all the needs that we currently have without producing a single dollar?

I find it particularly difficult, and even absurd, in reality...

I don't often see the money making related on a study level, I've known people who are barely basic educated and seem to have a kind of money magnet, they are great traders and visionaries, they are not afraid to invest, they are usually risk-takers in their stocks and they often do very well. I have an experience with a Client, who can't write, but he can count, and he owns two big businesses...

He doesn't pay attention to what others might say, he simply consolidates his business skills, it's his shield, his weapon, and it's what has allowed him to be successful, even in this pandemic by the coronovirus his business has grown a lot, it's really admirable his capacity to make money, he can't read or write, but he owns two good businesses, many scholars try to start only one, and they remain in just thinking and planning, it usually happens.

From this gentleman I have been able to learn a lot, one of those things is that he has years with those businesses, he started with something small, in which he sold food (rice, pasta, grains) and little by little he was getting products, until now he has a mini-market, with this business he was able to obtain for the other, a hardware store. Both are currently large, are very well supplied, and has a large clientele, has been constant, it is easy to see what you have now, without thinking or imagine the efforts he has had to do for years to have what he has. We should not only see results, in the processes is where the biggest learning is...

We have a lot to learn, all of us, and recognizing these deficiencies is the summit for our mind to be open to receive knowledge in different ways, and I don't mean academically, obviously, but these life experiences that speak for themselves.

I, like most, am in that permanent search for stability in the economic field, directed and clear in what I want. Constant in that quest, and you?

Thank you very much for reading me.

I look forward to a great week for all of you.

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hello @josevas217, it is very true that, in my case it has cost me a lot to get the means to ... Getting out of the traditional is hard, sometimes we become the rare ones in the family.

Getting a college degree in my case for my family, was a pride, once achieved that, according to the structure was to get a job of 8 hours "insurance", to have stability and secure retirement.

I have been in 3 countries and unfortunately they are governed under the slogan that who works hard is who is well, and I differ from it totally, I fulfill 12 hours of work by absolute necessity and now beginning to know about this platform and other alternate things without the need to enslave my time is what has generated a little more hope.
what would be the key?
To bet without fear of what they will say or of failure, and to be constant...

Excellent publication

Money does come in very handy, because Bills and the Cost of Living day to day, never ends...
November 15, 2020... 4.1 Hollywood Time...

No doubt, that will never end, there will always be things to pay, because our services will never be free, otherwise, it would stop being a business for the provider of all this.

Good article, an amount that I dream as an entrepreneur is about 10k of income per month is not easy but as you say you have to consolidate the skills.

It's a good amount, a big amount actually, it's not unreachable, but it's not served at the table either. Some solid plans have to be established to achieve that figure.

Hello @josevas217, your post today seemed very interesting to me because the need to make and have money will not cease to exist.

In my case, I come from a generation with many healthy ambitions as a university profession, a lot of desire to improve and above all, a great desire to become independent, and all this thanks to the advice and good examples we had from our parents. We are an old generation, I would say.

Currently I see with concern, in the population of those who will be future professionals in my country, that they want to "have money" without going through the necessary training teacher (academic or not). Training to know the behavior in the market of some enterprise, capacity and speed of recovery of an investment, market niches, etc.

What I have learned in my professional career is that to have money you have to know how to make money, and for this, you also have to know "the behavior of money", is it difficult, don't you think?

Great post.

See you.

Yes, I think we are contemporaries, and both of us are university educated, which certainly gives us tools, but for a specific area, I don't see that it teaches us anything about the real movement of money in any way. A big flaw is that today, we were only trained to work for someone else, not to be our own bosses.

There is a lot to learn, within everything, I think that being in countries with great crisis, although I am no longer in Venezuela, and Colombia is better off economically than our country, Venezuela, here is not in crisis, and with what has happened this year has been much worse.

But fortunately, at least we are on the path of blockchain and cryptocurrencies, which help us to free ourselves and get rid of many things.
Grateful for your comment @tocho2

Just as you say, the world of blockchain is a total novelty and in Venezuela it could be of great help, I even believe that there should be an academic training to know all its benefits and better styles as a production area.

I beliebe those types of client posseses some personal attributes that some scholar's didn't realise it

This is really an excellent publication, good things for not indeed come easy but with a dedicated and determined heart, we can get the best out of our constant struggle.

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