Giving up a well-paid job?steemCreated with Sketch.

in Project HOPE4 years ago

Hello dear friends of this great community called Project Hope, I hope you are having a great week, and that the weekend will be much better. Today I want to talk about a big change that for many is usually a little complex to assume but that always big changes have to be assumed calmly, thought out, programmed, unless they are sudden and not dependent on us, which would lead me to think about other things, which are the ones I want to talk about next?

What can you think or feel when you read the following sentence?

Leave the comfort of a well-paid job

Take a few seconds to think about it, and then continue reading to the end, and I'd like to know what you think after reading me. Let's start...



It is probable that the thoughts that arise in your mind after this phrase are so varied and opposed, that at the moment you don't know what to say, or perhaps you can say at once and without thinking that "You wouldn't risk leaving a good job", much less in the face of the current reality, and it is respectable, but does the work you do make you happy?, if the answer is yes, that well, you are part of a small group of workers worldwide that if they are happy with the work they do, but if your answer is NO, what makes you stay there? do you have any projects you'd like to do? why don't you do them? do you have a retirement plan? ....

Basic questions that we should ask ourselves, because life passes, and being chained to something that makes us unhappy I don't think it's logical...

Maybe this is something that comes to my mind as I get older, I don't want to say that I am old, already on the verge of losing my teeth, 😁, but at this point in my life, and living in a country that is not my own, I must think more about the future, but that always implies starting to work on my things from the present.

I can understand that many of those who remain tied to a job for pay, have a family to support, have fallen into debt (house, car, education, among other things), and in order to maintain that standard of living they deserve that income, but they have done little to have a separate income that allows them, even without working, to generate something to cover their basic expenses.

It is possible that my vision is different from that of many, in view of the fact that I have no children, nor acquired debts, but I have always had in mind something that is the independence in the economic thing, after more than two years of intense work in a well paid job I have decided to resign, YES, as you read it, am I crazy? There are those who might think that in these world conditions where the economy has hit as many as someone would dare to leave a good job, but it was all part of a plan for more than a year, it is not a decision taken without a letter up the sleeve, of course.

Well, I have been able to save and invest in some projects that fortunately are working very well, I have saved every penny earned and invested before making any expenses, I have limited myself from many things in these months, in order to guarantee myself a permanent, passive, and other semi-passive income. Why?, simple, I have my life plan, and it's not exactly working for other people's dreams. Does it make sense or does it still sound crazy?

There is a tendency for many people to believe that these things that can generate you a permanent income arise overnight, and nothing is further from the truth than that, projects that last require your initial effort, and even when the work is already consolidated it does not stop, it must continue to maintain it, to make it grow even more and remain focused.

Patience and confidence in what you do must always be there, projecting, organizing, having clear goals (short, medium and long term), forming good work teams -At this point, I would like to emphasize that I have also been able to form part of a great work team, and that fortunately we have similar interests, which will allow us to continue advancing in a verifiable way... well thought out-are key aspects in everything you propose. So, would you like to be able to enjoy your life more while you work on your personal projects?, if yes, then I must ask you another question...

Why haven't you started?

Nothing comes up from one moment to the next, it takes time and effort, there are things that I find difficult to understand, such as "many people have the patience to work 30 years in the same place, but not 6 years in their personal projects ", it seems absurd, right, but it is a reality.

For now I say goodbye, I hope you enjoyed my post, I would love to read it in the comments.

Happy and prosperous week.

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josevasGIFT FINAL.gifLOGOTOP.png

to be honest one of the best topic you chose.
As a business owner, you're your own boss.
I appreciate your work. Keep it up :)
#pakistan #onepercent

Yes, independence, there are those who fear it a little. But everything well planned is subject to less risk.
Thank you very much for your kind comment @vvarishayy

Hi @josevas217,

Many people have the patience to work 30 years in the same place, but not 6 years in their personal projects.

I think your statement is true for 99% of people. People are afraid of getting that risk due to many reasons. I think "family responsibilities" comes first for most of them. They are going for a low risk option. --> work for somebody and get paid at the end of the month.

Yes, that's the trap most people fall into. They teach us that first you have to find a job, raise a family, and that's where life goes.
But those who want to do other things, to do things differently, can fall into a kind of "rarity" for the majority.
These are decisions.
Thank you very much @besticofinder for commenting

Hi @josevas217

Most people find it difficult to make these kinds of decisions because of the many responsibilities they have on their shoulders.
However, as long as this step is studied and analysed and accompanied not by a plan but by several backup plans, the success rate is very high.
Many successful friends

Hello @jannettyanez
Yes, they are complex decisions, which cannot be taken lightly, much less without prior planning. It is necessary to look for several projects in which we can generate some profit, to have a good economic floor, and I am not talking about having millions, but to have permanent basic income.

I can understand that many of those who remain tied to a job for pay, have a family to support, have fallen into debt (house, car, education, among other things), and in order to maintain that standard of living

This is well logically written I agree with you on this I've learnt alot thanks, although I'm not tired down in any job working on my personal project.

There comes a time when if you work on something you don't like, it can tire you out or bother you in the least.
But, it's different if you like what you do, you can work a lot and you don't seem to get tired.

Sure you're absolutely right, do what makes you happy.

There is nothing as good as doing what you love and passionately following your dream to make that happen. Coincidentally I wrote about the conditions to retire on my blog and reading your post makes me conclude that you are truly ready for the leap you are about to take and I wish you success in it.

I haven't read that post you're talking about, but I'll look for it, thanks for commenting @papa-mensa

I will agree with you that a lot of those who stick to jobs even when they do not like it is because of the bills and debts they have uncovered, you have made a great decision friend and I must applaud you for that.

Yes @ajewa, the debts are a serious thing, who does not know how to manage its economy and assume more expenses than it can take, assume a decision like this that I am taking, it is very difficult.

First of all, let me wish you success in your future projects, it takes courage to do what you have done, the phrase you say is very true.

"many people have the patience to work 30 years in the same place, but not 6 years in their personal projects "

you should patent that phrase, I think I will always remember you for this phrase dear friend

Thank you very much @ramsesuchila for your good wishes and for commenting.
But, you have to take a risk, otherwise, you don't know if what you want can work or not.

Actually your post connects a lot to my personal situation as well. And I am happy I could read your post and see so many recognizable statements.

Everybody should ask themselves this question in my view and as you say if the answer is I am happy in my job feel free to stay and continue doing what you like a lot. Even if you say I am not happy but I don't want to take the risk of jeopardizing my securities the answer to stay is still a valid answer.

In my case I like my job, but I am also aware that by working for a big multinational 50-60 hours per week I am putting in a lot of energy in a job for others to benefit of that more than myself. This is why two years ago, I took the decision to start for myself but not before I have build a steady base of passive income to at least provide for my whole family while chasing my passion

Crypto is my chosen road to achieve this. I have made clear targets of myself how much passive income and how much reserves I want to have before quitting my job. And in the meantime besides my officeslave job, in the evenings and weekends, I am building the base needed to brake free.

I hope all of us can break free and chase our dreams.

Wow, it's good to know that there's someone on the same quest. And that they are projecting themselves into a future with greater freedom. It takes time, it takes a lot of effort, but it's worth it.

To be able to have your time, to do what you like, that which we really enjoy, is what we should all be looking for.

I wish you a lot of success, really, I know that it is always a complex step, but if you are already working on it, with clear goals, for sure you will be able to achieve what you are looking for.

I hope you have the greatest of success, my friend @carapthian

I think that when you have a well paid job but you are not happy, it is better to save part of that income so that at some point you can make the leap to perform the desired activity, leaving a job is not something that should be done without planning.

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