Formula to grow your account on this platformsteemCreated with Sketch.

in Project HOPE4 years ago

To grow our accounts on this platform, that is, our voting power, we have several options, we could have a large amount of money and say that we buy power and our account as if by magic, grows, but when that is not the reality, to have the possibility to invest, what should we do?

The answer to this, at least in my opinion, is what I want to put forward in this publication.



We all want to have a super account, or not?, that has the possibility of leaving a good profit in who we vote and in turn a good return for curatorship. For those of us who don't have money to invest there is one way and that is "HARD WORK"... But what work should we do on this platform?

  • Let's start by being clear that ideas are indispensable in everything, every project starts from there, that's its seed, an idea. But the idea is not enough, it is necessary to develop it, to visualize it to be able to capture it in a writing, drawing, music, video or whatever you want to bring to the platform.

  • The first thing I could say is that you have to write not just anything, not write to get out of the way, NO. The intention behind the writing should always be to give some message, to bring something new, preferably original, to take care of the grammar in the writing, to know that someone after reading it is going to take something with them that is going to serve them at some point. Then, simply, to write.

  • Necessary is to write about things that you like, if not, the ideas do not flow properly, and perhaps the result is not the best. Then you must focus on topics related to you, to your life. Of course, I'm not saying that you can't experience other things, maybe you'll discover new things, but you have to focus.

  • To facilitate these processes it is essential that you choose your communities, those of your preference and publish from it. Because it will allow you to interact with other users who have interests in order. Which of course will bring with it that they follow you, and it is logical to think that they will want to read more about you through your publications.

  • Another point that I consider very important is to interact, that is to say, read and comment on other publications, answer the comments, try not to leave any if you answer. This is key within the platform. It is what tells who I am commenting that you were interested in what he wrote in your publication, that it was worth the time to read you and leave his impression.

All this, with the passage of time must bear fruit, we must not be impatient, it seems very true that what arrives quickly also leaves, we must enjoy the process.

So you have to generate ideas, develop them with a lot of work and growth will surely come, it may be slow, but it will be safe. This does not apply only to the platform, but to everything in life.

"Formula to grow your account on this platform..."

You probably started reading the publication from the title and thought it would have something magical to make your account grow, and in a way it does, but here as in life you have to work hard, establish good relationships in order to move forward faster, and through commitment.



I invite you to visit Project.hope and learn about the benefits of this project for all those interested in growing while helping others to grow.

Note: Emojis used are from the Bitmoji application.

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It looks like i am getting posts i have a little understanding about today and this post is one of them.

I remember a friend use to say something to me when i was quite new to steemit and he will say nobody is a good writer on this platform. You can write for all you care but nobody will notice you. The truth is the guy was correct!! Have you seen good writers on this platform that do not get vote? If you think people do get vote, then let's have an idea, and then lets give it a good shot by having a lengthy post of about 1000 words (i think that is a average post) then you create a new account and drop this posts on this account for 1 month. I can tell you categorically that if you are not in a community like @project.hope, you will not get anything. You know why? This is a blogging social network and blogging alone doesn't do it, networking does it.

On steemit you need to learn somethings and 1 is marketing; if you cannot market yourself to other people in the community so they see your values then your time is wasted. 2 is relationship; this platform is social because social requires you to meet with new people and interact with them. It goes beyond leaving comments (i remember i used to leave comment on a particular person i followed on steemit which i won't disclose name because the person is still quite active. Now he has the power at least to a reasonable extent and got friends who votes him. All he does is put a picture 3 times daily and make some cool dough. I started leaving comments on his post but there were no replies and this was done to everyone that left a comment on his post. I tried to understand the user, then i realized that he only replies to people he knows). So creating just any comment isn't going to work but most times creating communicative comments, controversial comments, or arguable comments do help.

3 is community. Damn!!!! If you are not on @project.hope you might just leave steemit or hive at the end of the day because they got biased curators. I stand to be corrected anywhere. Instead of looking at your post, they look at the usernames to give vote. I will not mention communities but since the community feature started, i tried a lot of community and i checked a lot of community and they failed my check.

This is a fantastic post you got and it is good we know that there is no cheap money especially when you want to start from scratch.

Hello @gbenga
It is impressive and rewarding when one can see a comment of such quality. Thank you.
You have made very good reflections, no doubt it is the result of the experience you have acquired, time is wise, you have to be observant to notice many things. You are right, the networks, the links you could make on these platforms are what is necessary to move forward. Because the work is useless if you do not establish real links with other users, in community. And the functioning of others different from PH, we know that it is like that, it does not matter the quality, it matters is the agreement that they have. I think that's what they've turned it into, agreements, deals, business.

Really grateful for your valuable comment, it's very real, few dare to say it... we are in a great community, which well we have been able to follow and to manage to stay in it.

 4 years ago 

Seriously I love your comments @gbenga. You're clearly a very wise man.

For most of us there is no magical get rich quick option. Our endeavours need hard work and perseverance.

I believe being a little bit provocative helps to provoke a debate and engagement. Questions will tease people to answer.

Don't you agree that questions compel further discussion?

That is the intention in placing questions at the end of the publication, that whoever reads them, is left with an idea and can, hopefully, from that question leave his point of view.

Thank you for your comment.

Hola amigo, definitivamente hay que ser constante, disciplinado y persistir; y en eso estamos y ya cosecharemos de nuestro trabajo y esfuerzo.
Un gusto leerte. Saludos, feliz fin de semana.

Gracias por comentar @genomil
Si, la constancia es crucial en esto... sin duda alguna. Y en muchas otras cosas en la vida.
Excelente domingo para ti.

Great tips @josevas217 I am still learning at this platform though I registered in 2017. There are new and different atmospheres now. I think today steemit give us more opportunities to grow than to fight between powers. Thanks again for your tips. I hope I will grow better in the next year.

Power struggle, ha ha ha
That's very good, but it's true, it has always existed, and I think it will always exist. But we all have to learn. Thank you for commenting @lebah

Hello dear @josevas217, very good as always, it is a pleasure to read you.

Friend many of us when we hear about a social network like steemit we immediately think of a platform that will magically make us rich, then we come here and realize that it is not so easy, some leave, but others continue to strive and meet people who have gained experience and support us.

It is very difficult to find a community where there is immediate support, however, the secret is that, hard work and perseverance.

Thank you!

No doubt friend @fucho80 that the trick is to be constant and establish good relationships, networks, this is indispensable in this platform.

Thanks for commenting.

Just the truth in a nut shell, this is not a place where people get something just because they are good writers (I learnt that in a difficult way).

That's a very important point, it's enough to see that there are thousands of writers in the feed... and many good ones. But why don't they monetize? There's something else

Solid read. And you have elaborated useful points. And yes along with sharing good content , engagement is most important thing in growing account.


That word taken to action ends up bearing great fruit. Thank you for commenting.

@josevas217, you are absolutely right, I agree with you in everything! Idea, desire, pleasure and patience!

Thank you very much for the support @vipnata

I'm glad to know that you find my publication useful.

 4 years ago 

@tipu curate

Thank you for support.

Hard work and consistency is the best way to make something good from this platform.

From the comments in this publication, some ideas have emerged for writing about it. Thank you for commenting.

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