The Mirror Syndrome

in Project HOPE3 years ago



We have all known people who claim to be distrustful, who always look for the dark side of every person or action and even fall into xenophobia due to certain experiences they have had, as a result of the above, since those who always look for the bad receive this.

In my more than sixty years of existence I have observed that these people are more common than they seem and that they are skillful chameleons that hide under false kindness, performing actions with the egomaniacal purpose of receiving thanks for exploiting the recipient in a veiled way.

Undoubtedly these are not normal behaviors and although they are not diagnosed since they escape some natural pattern, I have baptized this behavior as the Mirror Syndrome.

That based on something very logical and that were common words in the grandparents of my previous generations, the one who distrusts something is because he has already done it, since the naive can never think of something he does not know.

And in these times of technology, one might think that it is not necessary to have done it but to read about it or rely on other people's experiences, and it is true, but in that case there would be room for doubt and not to consider Machiavellian scenarios as these people do.

God blesses the cheerful giver, the one who does not make a paraphernalia or demand anything in return for the action, not even a thank you for what has been done, what you sow on earth will be rewarded in heaven says the word and there are no excuses or justifications to twist this.

These behaviors of which I speak according to the words of a psychologist and sociologist friend, are produced in many cases by negative experiences that are not recycled to assimilate the good and take from the bad an experience that produces that the same is not repeated, on the contrary of this the person takes to the extreme the bad and creates a paradigm that binds him, some of these are so common that we are already used to hear a very popular one that some women say "All men are the same".

Another cause is the habit of living with comforts and being served by others, something that is not absorbed as an exchange but as a slavery, where the servant who does it to earn some money is seen as inferior, as the child grows up he gets used to being served and when conditions change then anyone who does not submit to his mental slavery is ungrateful.

There are other factors, almost all framed within the failed social interaction of people with the environment where he lives, which have led to breakups with friends and lovers, problems in the places where he has worked and even family confrontations.

The truth of the matter is that we should always be wary of those people who live suspecting that others are dishonest or immoral, since they are usually those who look at the speck in someone else's eye and not the beam in their own and as ancient wisdom said, are those who do what they accuse others of doing and when they see themselves, as in a mirror their reflection, they release all their bile on those who are close to them.


Greetings @ joseph1956
No doubt that in this world there is everything, and it contributes significantly as society is currently , there are more bad people than good because they have diverted their good desires by envy, cheating, in short, to get things in an easy way without effort.

Thank you very much for sharing your publication

Hello Sir! It nice reading this moral truth and having your own personal experience which can guide one in life.

Thanks for sharing Sir!

@joseph1956 thanks for the encouraging words, I agree with you when you said "God blesses the cheerful giver, the one who does not make a paraphernalia or demand anything in return for the action" and also the nice advice that you gave, talking about "The truth of the matter is that we should always be wary of those people who live suspecting that others are dishonest or immoral, since they are usually those who look at the speck in someone else's eye and not the beam in their own" strong words thanks again.

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