The meta-worlds will be a new way of living

in Project HOPE3 years ago




Large companies are working on a new trend that they expect to be massified in 10 or 15 years and become a new way of living, it is the meta-worlds, also called x-verse and meta-verse. Something that will change the Internet as we know it today.

These are worlds of virtual reality or augmented reality where you enter through today's big and heavy glasses, but in the future they will be replaced by common glasses and more technologically by chips placed in our head.

This will transform the world in all its aspects since it will not be necessary to physically travel to a place but to connect with it and perform ordinary actions such as working, studying, enjoying vacations and everything unimaginable, even making love.

It will be a teleportation without the need to move the body and each person will be able to create their own world and give access to those they want, even digital products of all kinds, including clothing, which will be sold in this parallel universe.

It sounds far-fetched and even fiction, but visionaries like Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook and consortiums such as Google, Microsoft, Sony and Apple, are working hard to achieve the goal as soon as possible and be the pioneers.

The metauniverse will allow people to work from anywhere on the planet, transforming it into a great global factory where new emerging economies will emerge to compete with today's great powers, for which countries will only need to have a good infrastructure of fast Internet, and bring the teaching of coding to children.

The transition to the multidimensional digital world will happen, although many are still skeptical about it, and those who are not prepared now, both individuals and countries will be left behind and will lose the great opportunity to take advantage of the new technological trend.


Hello @joseph1956

I agree with you, the transition to the multidimensional digital world will happen, although many are still skeptical about it, but beyond the skepticism that exists it is inevitable that the massive adposition of digital will become part of the everyday life of humanity.

Best regards, be well.

Greetings @joseph1956

The metauniverse will allow people to work from anywhere on the planet,

I think Metaverse will be the new era of digital technology

In modern times like today, the digital world is always in front and everyone must follow the times.

Greetings I recommend watching the movie "Ready Player One" and the Blackmirrior series for a glimpse into the distant future.

Hi @joseph1956 The metaverse is a universe parallel to the physical world that is made up of interconnected virtual worlds and in which it is envisioned that humans will be able to live an alternative existence. It will be interesting or it will make us move further away from our own existence, from the coexistence with others, when it becomes generalized we will see, interesting post, greetings and success.

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