Only the tree that bears fruit has stones thrown at it

in Project HOPE3 years ago



This is a very popular saying in my land, which I heard from my grandparents since I was a child, it is an allegory to the fact that it was customary for children and young people to throw stones at trees to knock down fruit.

Beyond that, popular wisdom is undeniable, since taken to daily life, it reveals the fact that every human being has a dark or bad side, as a result of the fact that we are all children of sin.

It also emphasizes the low instincts of people who see with bitterness the happiness of others or the successes of their fellow men, whom they attack in acts that demonstrate their misery and that spirit of evil that overcomes the light they may have.

They create alliances to justify their actions with some justification to deceive themselves that their actions are born out of selfishness and envy.

Many Venezuelans are currently living it in countries where they have emigrated, where xenophobia has had its roots in the skills demonstrated by them and not had by those who apply their hatred to eliminate the most qualified competitor.

In every scenario this is suffered, in companies, communities, associations, even among groups of friends and logically this has also migrated to the virtual world and social networks, blogs and content platforms are dominated by a privileged group for whom envy is their main motivation.

Those who do not bear fruit or whose fruits are not as good as the others, emulate Cain and try to do away with whoever seems to them to have better aptitudes and to do so they place no limits because as a good connoisseur of the dark that is part of their root, they assume that others will do the same as they have done and must quickly get them out of the way.

One thing is certain, those people are not happy, because someone who is happy enjoys it without looking at the speck in someone else's eye and by the way they do not know God's answer, because perhaps they do not even believe in him, because their arrogance is above anything sacred.

In my long career I have seen them fall as fast as they have risen, suffer situations that seemed impossible, illnesses that have brought them suffering and so much blindness that they always have a question on their lips: Why me?

Those trees that do not bear fruit or are not of the same quality as the others will not cease to exist but will always have divine rewards for their actions. All that is sown on earth is reaped in heaven.


Greetings @joseph1956 ❤️💕

It also emphasizes the low instincts of people who see with bitterness the happiness of others or the successes of their fellow men, whom they attack in acts that demonstrate their misery and that spirit of evil that overcomes the light they may have.

I always get astonished whenever I see some people having this type of character or habit. It really shows their level of spirituality and weakness as human. Whenever I notice this type of trait in people, I try as much as possible to avoid such people because they are very dangerous to be with.

Thanks for sharing this great post with love from @hardaeborla and I hope you have a great day ahead 💕❤️💕

hello @joseph1956,
t is the law of karma my dear friend, everything we do to others will be returned to us at some point in life, it is said that the golden rule in this life is do not wish for others what you do not wish for yourself., simply if we see this as a premise in life we can make a better world, on the other hand, people who are not productive and who have no fruits to show for it often attack those who do achieve great things in life.

This is the law of nature , the tree have food have more pain from all human birds etc it's like same with human also the person who have more knowledge is always critized by the society as he is not always fitted in the society.

We need to be strong in our life to stay in this cruel world.

Hello @joseph1956

Only the tree that bears fruit has stones thrown at it, this expression I used to hear it a lot, with this post you made me remember anecdotes of life, when you say "they emulate Cain and try to do away with whoever seems to them to have better aptitudes", it is something that indeed prevails in our society.

Best regards, be well.

Hi @joseph1956
Unfortunately there are these people who deceive others into believing that they are good, and in reality they are envious and selfish.
Excellent reading!
My best wishes and regards.

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