Home delivery and fast food service booming against the crisis in Venezuela - Servicio a domicilio y comida rápida en auge contra la crisis en Venezuela

in Project HOPE4 years ago

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Image of advertising placed with the owner's authorization


The pandemic around the world has forced people to reinvent themselves and traders, limited by the radical quarantine periods, here in Venezuela, which are of 1 week in between..

One of these novel strategies, although already a hundred years old because it was born in times when commerce was more personalized, is to deliver products at home, something that is also an odyssey because the scarcity of gasoline and the long lines to refuel, in addition to the cost of spare parts and supplies for the vehicle, make the work merit an extra payment by the consumer..

However, many have sacrificed this one, making less profit but still managing to work, especially the food ones, which has resulted in constant offers to hook the customer.

Although it may seem paradoxical, fast food establishments are the ones that have had the greatest boom in our country, the ones that have managed to face the hyperinflation crisis and have managed to turn around, as we say in Creole, the obstacles to work.

Many do not even do it from their usual establishments, but dispatch from their residences or other places, which are closer to their usual customers, to send the order in vehicles with less fuel consumption, such as motorcycles or vehicles that do not use fuel, such as bicycles..

The prices, set in dollars at the unofficial exchange rate, in order to protect themselves from speculation by being part of it, end up being attractive since they mean that the consumer saves work and pays less than he would if he were to make some food at home.

Thus, hamburgers, hot dogs, pizzas, salchipapas, arepas, cachapas, pastelitos, tequeños, have become regular dinners and some have become breakfasts, not only for the middle class, but also for other people who manage to treat themselves from time to time, as a result of receiving remittances from relatives in another country or payments for temporary jobs..

This is the other side of the coin, which sounds strange in a country where 80% of the population struggles to survive but refuses to give up customs that were common in the past..

Technology has been the main source for this to happen, since cell phones, social networks, wasap groups, instagram or telegram and others, are the ones that serve to bring the offers to the consumer..

The home delivery service has not only given a respite to those who already had fast food as a source of income but has also created new entrepreneurs doing this and have thus managed to face the crisis..

Versión en Espanol


Imagen de publicidad colocada con autorización del propietario
La pandemia en todo el mundo ha obligado a las personas a reinventare y a los comerciantes, limitados por los periodos de cuarentena radical, acá en Venezuela, que son de 1 semana intercaladas.

Una de esas estrategias novedosas, aunque ya centenaria porque nació en épocas en que el comercio era más personalizado, es la de entregar los productos a domicilio, algo que también es toda una odisea ya que la escasez de la gasolina y las largas colas para poder reabastecerse de ella, además de lo costoso de repuestos e insumos para el vehículo, hacen que la labor amerite un pago extra por parte del consumidor.

Sin embargo, muchos han sacrificado este, obteniendo menos ganancias pero logrando trabajar, sobre todo los de comida, lo que ha dado como resultado las ofertas constantes para enganchar al cliente.

Aunque parezca paradójico son los establecimientos de comida rápida los que más auge han tenido en nuestro país, los que han logrado enfrentar la crisis de la hiperinflación y le han conseguido dar la vuelta, como decimos en criollo, a los obstáculos para laborar.

Muchos incluso ya no lo hacen desde sus establecimientos habituales, sino que despachan desde sus residencias u otros lugares, que se encuentren más cercanos a sus clientes habituales para enviar el pedido en vehículos con menos consumo de combustible, como motocicletas o que no lo usen como las bicicletas.

Los precios, colocados en dólares al cambio de las paginas no oficiales, para protegerse de la especulación siendo parte de ella, terminan siendo atractivos ya que suponen al consumidor ahorrarse trabajo y pagar menos de lo que haría si hiciera alguna comida en casa.

De tal modo que las hamburguesas, perros calientes, pizzas, salchipapas, arepas, cachapas, pastelitos, tequeños, se han transformado en cenas habituales y algunos en desayunos, no solo de la castigada clase media, sino de otras personas que logran darse un gusto de vez en cuando, producto de recibir alguna remesa de familiares en otro país o pagos por trabajos eventuales.

Es la otra cara de la moneda, que suena extraño en un país donde el 80% de la población lucha por sobrevivir pero que niega a desaparecer costumbres que eran habituales en otras épocas.

La tecnología ha sido la fuente principal para que esto ocurra, ya que los teléfonos celulares, redes sociales, grupos de wasap, instagram o telegram y otros, son los que sirven para llevar las ofertas hasta el consumidor.

El servicio a domicilio no solo ha dado un respiro a quienes ya tenían la comida rápida como fuente de ingresos sino que ha creado nuevos emprendedores haciendo esto y han conseguido de esta manera enfrentar la crisis.


Hello @joseph1956
The pandemic has hit the world economy hard and Venezuelans, in the case of our country, are applying all the management tools and strategies to maintain themselves and continue generating income.
Excellent reading, thanks for sharing.
Have a great day!
Best regards.

That's right, creativity is keeping us afloat.

I want one Manhanttan please. ;)

Hello @joseph1956, I believe that these food delivery initiatives have been the best economic respite in times of crisis in Venezuela.

But the other side of the coin is that many of these businesses that deliver food delivery are not filing taxes (I don't know if it's good or bad) at least in the city where I live. However, this type of trade has been the response to the crisis that many merchants experienced in the face of the lockdown that began last year.

Personally it is good because paying taxes to the government is currently giving it more money for corruption.

It is true friend..!

I'm already salivating seeing the food poster and designs.. It's really a great development for the Venezuelans and I love the fact that the cost seems to be affordable and also the home delivery looks quite okay.

Thanks for sharing this great post with love from @hardaeborla and I hope you have a great day ahead ❤️💕♥️

We must survive this war economy

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