Forced sterilization

in Project HOPE3 years ago



Almost everything that means forced is against the will of the person, therefore it is an invasion of the privacy of this and should not be accepted, except punishments or penalties for violating the law, but neither should be allowed in these, corporal punishment or the application of methods that alter your body or damage it.

The most common in recent years has been sterilization, practiced under different circumstances, the most bombastic of which is the prevention of some hereditary disease or the improvement of the race, resulting in the majority of cases in women, the most harmed, since, like contraceptive methods, most of which have been invented for them, eugenics is mostly directed towards this sex.

Along with Eugenics, DNA manipulation and other "advances" have emerged in recent years, resulting in cloning and transgenics, making developed countries the main proponents of birth control and aggressive methods against the will of people who refuse to submit to them.

What Mangele started in Nazi Germany has been reproduced by mimicking the excuse of sanitary control and using economic blackmail in underdeveloped countries in order to be accepted.

While it is true that there could be some valid reasons, regarding the danger of bequeathing some disadvantageous hereditary condition, which would put the new being at risk, it is also true that according to international treaties the right to life is inviolable and eugenics, given the failure of the legalization of abortion in many nations, is the Trojan horse of these groups that aspire to control human reproduction and playing God, to decide the quantity and quality of the individual that will populate the planet.

This practice can be considered a passive genocide, a violation of women's rights and a crime against humanity, since it disrespects the will of the family or social group and underhandedly substitutes natural selection for that which is convenient to a specific group.

I believe that education should be applied, taking advantage of mediatization and globalization to inform, without distorting, people about any risk that exists in reproduction and allow them to decide the future of their offspring.

Likewise, the negative impact of some can be lessened by taking advantage of scientific advances in the study of the human genome in a positive way, so that the extermination of life before reproduction is initiated is not the only alternative to be taken.

Eugenics can be a good form of prevention, but if it is used rationally and with the consent of the person to whom it is to be practiced, without being forced, blackmailed or alienated by any interested group.


Hi @joseph1956 An ethical struggle of years has touched on this issue, previously it was a vetoed topic difficult to address today there is a greater breadth to treat it more scientifically or healthily. However I agree in your words that it is something sacred, something that must have the proper preparation of those involved, very good publication, success.

Good evening. If used, it should be with the consent of the person. By right. Thank you.

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