Chronicle of a death foretold of the old Venezuelan banknotes

in Project HOPE3 years ago



In the state of Zulia, having as main point the city of Maracaibo and specifically the Mercado de las Pulgas, the Venezuelan economy has lord and master, the informality of mafias that destroy the currency, giving it different values, buying and selling it out of legal canons, exporting it to the neighboring country to launder contraband and drug money and a host of other things, among which is the non-acceptance of a particular banknote of any denomination,

This is how the monetary cone ends up being devalued or killed by the whims of a few, resulting in people trying to take refuge in the dollar so as not to lose the money they have in bolivars.

The announcement of a new monetary reconversion that will begin on October 1 with the introduction of new banknotes, has put a death date on the acceptance of the only two banknotes of the old monetary cone that are still accepted, the 500 thousand and 1 million bs.

It is already common knowledge that the order is that merchants and transporters do not accept them, so in a game similar to the potato in the spoon, people try to get rid of them, even accepting that they give them less than the value of the same before they can lose the capital they have in them.

As it is elementary to imagine, the market for the purchase of these banknotes is directed by the market itself, who will hoard them and, as a result of connections within the same economic system of the country, will transform them into new denomination banknotes or into dollars or Colombian pesos.

It is frustrating for a worker, housewife, or local merchant to live in the shadow of handlings that pulverize their effort to stay afloat in a war situation, but not the one produced by bombs or sanctions but by the very powerful corruption that walks the streets without law, since they own it.

In Maracaibo the situation is getting worse and worse, the local governments are distracted, like passive accomplices, in ornamental tasks or in promises they will never keep, while the public services are useless and the economy of the people of Zulia is the worst in the country.

When the new monetary cone comes out, the first victim, already announced, will also be the 1 bs coin, since transporting it to the neighboring country is much more difficult.


Greetings friend @joseph1956, the circulation of the new monetary cone that was launched a few months ago had died before coming out, because as always the mafias are in charge of doing it, as you say in the market fleas devalue even the dollars, because they do not accept the 1 dollar bills nor the 5 dollar, now what can you expect for the bolivar.

Greetings joseph1956 💕❤️

I think it's best the Venezuelan government act accordingly to do things that can boost the nation economy. I really don't know how introducing new banknote will make this happen but let's just see what happens since we don't know the government plans. We just have to be more optimistic and I'll advice the citizens to add more work to their hustle even if it includes delving into freelancing or cryptocurrency as this can also fetch them additional income.

Thanks for sharing this great post with love from @hardaeborla and I hope you have a great day ahead ❤️💕❤️

Hello @joseph1956
That's terrible what's going on, based on what you comment. These things are difficult to understand in other countries, because they have no referents for that. Governments are always involved in that, I don't think they don't know that it happens, they know it, but somehow they also benefit from it.

 3 years ago 

My friend, and the worst has not yet happened, as they say over there and it is written, worse times will come, and with these criminals in charge that the only thing they are aware of is to launder the millions of millions that they cannot get out, the best way is to launder them within this country, that plus inflation are the causes of this death foretold.

Hello @joseph1956

Wow those notes have not finished circulating and are already dead, that is the paradox our exclusive reality of those who live in Zulian lands, this that you express is totally true "It is frustrating for a worker, housewife or local merchant to live in the shadow of maneuvers that pulverize their effort to stay afloat in a war situation, but not the one produced by bombs or sanctions but by the very powerful corruption that runs through the streets", I think it is we ourselves who must reflect on the serious damage we do to our own genet.

Best regards, be well.

Greetings @joseph1956
Unfortunately the economic policies implemented by the government have not been effective , and every day the Venezuelan's purchasing power is worse. I know exactly the fleas in Maracaibero Zulia State, because he lives 8 years there, that is another country where the interests of the mafias of smuggling both food and cash predominates.

I really do not see any solution to the problem, and with this new monetary cone will only serve to talk for a few months of lower figures, until we reach again millionaires amount again.

Thank you very much for sharing your publication

It is a wrong decision, there was an expense in printing those bills, and it is the same government the one that is now bringing out the digital bolivar annulling the one that a few months ago was the one that is active.

Greetings and thanks for sharing your impressions.

This is the nightmare we Venezuelans are living, something that never seems to end. But the governments did not create conscience or true patriotic love. Talking about Bolivar, giving importance to the women of independence, or explaining the situation of the Venezuelan "Esequibo" does not create patriots, only interlocutors who do not believe what they are told.

By: @hojaraskita :)

Hello @joseph1956, What you comment on Maracaibo is not different from what happens in Puerto La Cruz and Barcelona, the current currency in circulation has been devalued firstly by the local economy, when the markets do not accept tickets of a certain denomination, when the bus drivers they refuse to receive certain tickets for the payment of the passage, and thus the situation is spreading.

Sometimes I think that no matter how many reconversions or redenominations the "Bolívar" undergoes, the phenomenon of inflation in parallel with the currency deal, they are running together and they are happening from the depths of our local economy, because this is the one that sets the trend all the way to the extreme and we all pay for these consequences.

And as Venezuelans we already know how this new monetary reconversion will end.

Thanks for this post.

Con el apoyo de la familia.

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