Showing Profound Capabilities Beyond Life's Expectation

in Project HOPE4 years ago

At one time in our lives we begin to care more, its like a stage we grow into, we begin to become conscious of who we truly are, what we truly are and this makes us grow a kind of reality check. We're not longer carefree because life in itself is a responsibility; either to ourselves or the people we owe it to.

It's like we begin to imbibe less or ourselves and more of others, we now use more of our brain rather than brawn and we totally experience overwhelming change and this is the stage in our lives where people will see a systematic difference in us. Its often difficult to change irrespective of the fact that we so it inadvertently, we see ourselves becoming rather different from who we once were.

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All changes to our lives isn't beautiful, its essential, necessary but it isn't compulsorily easy. For example, someone who is choosing music over education, that change will garner criticism doubt and uncertainty. Its like shedding your very own identity in pursuit if something different.

When we begin to listen to external voices, it influences our resolves and weakens our ability to make decisions. In life people will sway you, people will get you to develop s divide inside of yourself and this will eventually lead you to the biggest of mistake, external voices should act as a check and not as a determinant. Life is short and the only thing that really matters is finding your own happiness. Unique and peculiar to only you.

Nevertheless at one time or the other, its important we grow thick skins this is because the world is filled with critics, people who will question why you're down but make no attempts to raise you up. One way or the other, we all have scars, we're imperfect and unwhole but then some people do a better job of covering their scars more.

It shouldn't sadden you if you can not hide your scars. Sometimes its better to live with our reality, accept how visible our challenges are boldly written on our faces because living the truth might hurt you. While some people can snap their fingers and have everything, some other people would need to do more.

We're born through diverse circumstances and it's not everyone that likes the circumstances and conditions of their existence. Sometimes it feels like we need to run away from our skin in other to find comfort. Sometimes we're tired of being us, we want to exist in a more better circumstances and environment in life but then we can only live our lives Irrespective of how flawed we deem it to be.


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Sometimes it's difficult to accept the circumstances behind our existence, sometimes we hate what we need to be or have to be, sometimes we're regretful, we feel ashamed underwhelming and undeserving simply because we have looked at our lives and it's not the life we want, its not what we envisage and its not what we deem for ourselves.

Nevertheless we need to get to a stage of total acceptance; a stage where our limitations or scars do not determine our future, our decisions or what people think and say of us. Its normal to suffer rejection and dejection sets in.

This is why we need to build our lives to be solely realiant on ourselves. Don't be too expectant from people and learn how to build a forttress, a place where you recoil when you're expoxed to toxic people and toxic situation in life. One thing is, prepare your life for uncertainties, prepare for life's most worst outcome while taking steps to ensure that what you are hoping it would turn out better than you have envisaged.


Deep words really, the first step for change to occur is accepting the reality of our lives, then pick up the process of change from there. Life happens but it is important for us to stay up to task.

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