Management Skills: What Determines Your Financial State?

in Project HOPE4 years ago

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Management is a skill that's gives you composure and discipline in the face of financial constraint or plenteous resources. Time and money is often two things that are mismanaged by people especially when their calculation are not based on real-time resources, how to work with the things they have at hand and how to be moderate with their expenditure. Wealth in my opinion isn't a status, it's a process or a position so also with being poor. One of the difference of being poor and being average is movement off a static position. While a poor person is stagnant, an average person is moving, spending and recovering, moving one step backwards and two steps forward and the process of movement is what keeps them off poverty.

The Case With Class

A poor person on the hand isn't just static, he moves backward at the slightest financial provocative. His spendings are purely for satisfaction and doesn't have any secondary purpose of lifting him off his position. A poor person who see each day as an opportunity to stay alive so his financial plans doesn't influence the well being of his "tomorrow". Infact "tomorrow" might not fully influence the future but it gives it you a digram a periscopic peek into what it might seem like. In the life of various classes of people what differentiates is "choice" being able to stay moderate rather than bogus or outrageous. The truth is that management also involves discipline being able to control our insatiability, looking at our pockets or wallets before taking our "numerous wants" into cognisance.

This all boils down to management. Management is what helps you to maintain financial relevance. Everyday we all have to spend to do everything. We might not see the need to work but there's a compulsion to spend whether we have a job or not. The reason is because the work and the salaries we receive doesn't determine how we spend, it's "us" that determines how we spend. Money doesn't have senses, we're the direction to the movement money has and if we take direction that aren't supposed to be our salaries or earnings might not really matter, at the end of the day what really matters is one's management skills. There's not enough wealth and the reasons why is because people see a need to spend more if they have more.

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The Economics Involved

I know of a lot of people who makes more money than I do always comes back to borrow money from me to feed or to some of their little bills, this is because these people earns money illegitimately online and spend it not excessively but meaninglessly. When you spend meaninglessly it's far worse than spending excessively. Spending meaninglessly means you do not achieve a durable purpose or incur a satisfactory return however you can spend excessively on something that might have influence on your finance it's quite different from spending meaninglessly and all this is understanding the basics of money management and resources. Nevertheless we might at one time spend without a purpose and this is when we slip off.


It's allowed to spend meaninglessly sometimes because we would not be 100% up to par at all time. However maintaining relevance is being able to recover from our financial mishaps and learning from the lessons that comes with it. No one is truly wealthy in resources, gold, crypto, equity or money because wealth is fleeting and it's only our state of the mind that is the true wealth we have. Our state of the mind is that perceptive filters that helps us different the good "spending" from the "bad spending". That's why we have to train our mind and our selves to understand financial discipline when exposed to "very much" or "very little". Wealth is only a material thing and if we don't define our tactics and scope we might be rich but heading towards abject poverty. Remember, wealth or poverty isn't a state, it's a position that moves in ways we determine it.


Many people financial state have crumpled because or due to lack of management skills

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