Cutting Ties With Fleshly Connections To Attain A Selfless Form Of Happiness

in Project HOPE4 years ago



The Dilemma

I find myself at one of the biggest dilemma of my life where it feels like any choice I make will desperately come with repercussions. In life sometimes we have come to understand that repercussions are charcteristics of bad decisions and even further more, some good decisions will come with its own repercussions as well.

This is because everyone has a different definition of right and wrong

People have unique inituitions to create a basis of what they feel is right or wrong and sometimes we only have to respect people's inituitions because it was formed out of experience, out of character and out of the core beliefs which their have based their standards on.

But then irrespective of what our decision are in life, we must always aim at selfless happiness and fulfilment because when we don't base the core of our decision on selfless happiness it makes us live a life of regret even when our actions make other people happy and displeases us then what is the essence? How do we truly then define what is selfless happiness?



Selfless happiness is finding a way to make yourself happy in a way where no third party are inconvenienced, affected or somewhat infringed.

It's always difficult to attain this level of happiness because in life sometimes we feel selfish when making choices, this proves my point of the fact that everyone has a definition of good or bad

Irrespective of the fact that the society has a norm people generally find a way to create their own norm, their own standard, their own own basis and at the end of the day we have a human society where one person's definition of happiness is another person's definition of sadness.

Because of this contradiction of beliefs the world has become a chaotic place, people can kill to have their views aired, people fight over superiority of opinion and this is why sometimes we cannot find a place to be be happy without contrasting the beliefs, the ego or the pride of some people around us.

First and foremost, we need to attain a level of understanding to attain a level of adaptability. We must come to acceptance that we every decision we make will eventually come with repercussions.

A vivid example of this,

is the process of finding love and hapiness. There are times we make the decisions to stop loving some people we deeply care about. Sometimes we we wake to the reality that we don't have a future with these people due to reasons that seems rather unfair, sometimes we find love in the most unhealthy circumstances and we ignore these circumstances because we make our hapiness a priority.

But what if our these circumstances are taken seriously by the people we deem so irreplaceable to us? What if you don't end up coming to a conclusion that love is the ultimate thing and any other conditions are not necessary? There are so many questions involved and in a mad frenzy we end up not swallowing the hard pill of reality simply because our happiness matters more than anything, have we attained a selfless and seamless form of happiness? No.

Its difficult to attain selfless hapiness because we sometimes need to be selfish with our choices to find a definitive form of happiness. This can be dangerous to the future. What eventually make us happy at the moment might be an instrument of pain to some other people who we do but even know but they'll feel this through our course of actions.



My life has been filled with struggles, feeling the repercussions of the actions of people who felt it necessary to prioritize their happiness and this is why I myself have taken a course of action find selfless happiness instead of the opposite. Selfishness is why our world is tainted with people who are suffering because of the actions of others. I understand that sometimes it's unfair to not be who we really want because it affects others.

But I use to say that the universe doesn't conform to we always want......

....despite the fact that we are the most outstanding creation amongst billions of forms of life. (God's own creation). Sometimes we need to learn by disciplining ourselves, our definition of pleasure, happiness, satisfaction and fufilment, this is the only way we would attain selfless happiness.

This happiness isn't conformed to what we want, eventually it's conformed to what will be individually good for us without any form of discrepancies. This stage is difficult because it involves us cutting ties with the world to form a spiritual connection rather than a fleshly one, we need to listen rather deeply. Many people never do.

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