We are prepared for a big blackout

in Project HOPE3 years ago

We are prepared for a big blackout


Developed governments are preparing for a great blackout, but the cause of it is not due to a geomagnetic storm or other natural causes, the Austrian government for example fears other causes that would lead to the great blackout, although if it occurs, its plan to contingency would be just as useful, what worries in Austria are the causes of human origin and it is not a concern product of a hypothesis, it is that they have already suffered it.


On January 8 of this same year 2021 there was a failure in a substation in Croatia that caused a frequency drop that was on the verge of creating a blackout in much of Europe, according to the Austrian government report titled Sicher Und Morgen? Which can be translated as: sure and tomorrow at the end of 2022 the last six German nuclear power plants will be closed and it is also expected that several coal power plants in Poland and several nuclear power plants in France will not reopen in the coming years.

This is good for the environment but bad for the electricity grid, which will remain in a very sensitive situation until new energy sources are added, to this must be added the problems with the supply of raw materials as is currently the case with gas. and that more and more countries depend on imports of electricity.


By 2025 70% of cross-border electrical connections in the European Union must be used for electricity trading, which means that a failure in one country can affect others creating a blackout that spreads with a domino effect, finally There remains the risk of a terrorist attack that destroys strategic structures of the electricity grid. This is what worries the Austrian government and it is not the only one in Switzerland that is also concerned about the supply of its energy.

The press of that country published a few days ago a report from the Swiss government where it was warned of possible blackouts in the document it is stated that literally a world without electricity could have much worse consequences than the "pandemic" and they consider that a great blackout is in the currently the worst threat to switzerland.

Given this panorama with all this data and this concern that comes from governments of developed countries, what opinion do you have, should other countries create emergency plans in the event of a possible great blackout.



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Governments should have contingency plans for these cases that may seem unbelievable and far away, but not at all pleasant for those of us who have lived through them.
thanks for the contribution

That is the idea, but at the moment it is evident that the "governments" have another hidden agenda ... that is why they do not do what they should for their citizens.

I'm pretty sure the people in power are going to use the blackout as another link to their hidden plans.

The government should look for an alternative or prevent the blackout from happen. If there is no electricity it will affect the economic of the state and country because alot of people, company and shops depend on it to function well.

That is correct, but if they know all that why do they?

That is a question for all my readers, add everything that is happening on the planet!

The perfect cocktail for disaster ...

Hello @jorgebgt, The possible closure of nuclear power plants in some European countries is a great tragedy in general terms, considering that they have other sources of energy generation but they are not able to supply all the demand of their countries, this if I see it as a very probable cause of the "mentioned big blackout".

Now if we look at it from the Latin American side, Venezuela had a fatal experience with a great blackout in the past but for other reasons and that at present it is very possible that it will be repeated.

That is correct, all the experts say that it will happen again because the entire system is vulnerable, in Venezuela we know what the causes are, in other latitudes it is linked to everything that is happening on the planet.

If electricity helped us for civilization imagine the opposite effect ...

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