When it goes wrong–Re-strategizing and reviving a failed business/business plan.

in Project HOPE4 years ago


For every new business plan, a new wave of optimism and pessimism grows, the strategist maps out new levels he hopes to attain with his new plans and how he hopes to move on if the plan fails, unfortunately even the strategist is sometimes unable to predict the level of success or failure he will achieve with his plans, hence the ideas could explode either way. Positive or negative only one thing comes up after the wave—management, handling success is also a huge task though not as tedious as handling a wreck in a business plan.

The unfavourable conditions massive and unimaginable failure of a business plans plunges the strategist and business group into is always a hard nut to crack as most times it creates a situation comparable to falling inside a sand mill, the more the strategist tries to get off the hook and survive the wave, the more the business plunges further, this is a common condition and no business group is immune to this. Situations like this have seen business settings worth over a billion dollars go down the drain as the brains behind the business couldn’t handle the failure which failed more than expected and hence stretched it’s dark hands across the offshore fortunes of the business and even previous profits and assets of the business are you used up in a bid to restore the business and move out of the gridlocks of the failed plans.

A good business man or group never throws in the towel, the desire to stay strong and try harder js a common trait amongst magnates, and strategists, thus the struggles sets in amidst unfavourable look of things and persistence of the harsh conditions, but how to do this puzzles the business man who is unarguably overwhelmed by the state of things, however from the life lessons of strategists who have survived this sort of situations, here’s a little tip which have worked relatively most times:

Cut the heat!, get a new sketch


A failed plan sometimes turns out to be an opportunity to plunge the business into unequal success depending on how the strategist handles this condition, if the strategist sets in his plans the right way, the tables might turn and what seems to be a Waterloo for the business turns out to be a planned massive success both in sales and publicity for the business, criticisms which have gone viral sometimes creates an enormous fame for the business group and the owners and many people starts talking about the business, if handled with professionalism, this sometimes turns into gains for the business group, but firstly there’s the need to zero down, turn away from the ravaging heat and think out something new or at least modify the already existing plans to suit the challenge and put the business forward and out of the dust.

A skilled strategist would sit down in an enclosure and take a class of cold water… lol, this is idiomatic anyways but is a pure picture of what a good strategist would do in such conditions, he settles down and gets a new plan, a new sketch and possibly a new strain of employees and partners as there’s the need to put things in place and sometimes, a change of hands and brains is required, this should however not done in a rush as a change of hands is also a two edges sword and might lead to the retrenchment of the capable hands and employment of inexperienced ones. At this stage of the business, every move should be calculated as things could go either way. Sometimes the idea to try out a totally new sphere of business and investment also proves helpful as even a whale will relocate to a new ocean if the need comes up, however good thoughts and comparison of the outcomes is also vital.


It’s all planned now, the strategist gets a new plan and a new idea of how to get it done, there comes up the need to put things into work and get the plans working, not in a rush anyway as speed may turn fatal as the business already sustained a huge blow. A good focus is also important and ensures that the plans are executed as scheduled, there’s a need to keep implementing the plans amidst the huge cloud so as to ensure that everything is laid out as planned, this is also important for the functionality of the plans. A good strategist first keeps his cool and makes a plan, and after this he summons every available courage to put these into reality and keeps on executing these plans provided the process and progress are going on as planned. The existing wave of negativity doesn’t make him quiver but instead makes his faith stronger. This attitude is seen in every winner and every strategist who have survived enormous amount of hard times, the attitude of continuous planning and continuous trying defines a good strategist and these are needed in the survival and revival struggles, there’s also the need to keep in mind that the tough times is the road to a brighter end of the tunnel, unfortunately the need to get the business back on its feet on time also sways the strategist and he sometimes attempts to do things in haste or lose faith in this plans because they are taking a lot time to work out, a good focus will be get rid of these fears.

Get swift!

Flexibility should also be part of the plan, a rigid plan sometimes fails as there also comes the need for a change of plans in between, a flexible plan puts into consideration the fact that things change and the plan might also hit a huge rock, hence it includes an escape route and a means to change lanes an keep the train moving, this ability comes in handy for every business strategist or group and makes puts him a head above as he observes the progress graph carefully and changes his stand immediately it doesn’t stand to favour the goals anymore. Every outcome from any part of the plan should be closely observed and strictly considered to be ensure that things are actually working as planned, if not a change should be employed after further and more careful observation. The next direction of the plan should also be carefully deliberated on.

At the end, the term ‘careful’ is the most in this article, the stresses the need for the strategist to carry out every move with high level of professionalism as the outcomes of care-free decisions will be inevitably devastating as the business is already in bad state.


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@project.hope team,

 4 years ago 

hi @joelagbo

Welcome to PH (project.hope) community :)

Hope to hear more from you in the future.

ps. check out comment from project.hope and cyu on our discord.
Cheers, Piotr

Seriously, failure in early business is not something easily avoidable but the spirit to keep winning is what every entrepreneur need at this junction.

Sure, I think that's a point of distinction between an entrepreneur and others.

DSES Manual Comment

This post has been manually curated by the Decentralised Sustainable EcoSystem movement by various stake holders and charitable donors to support Entrepreneurs favouring a stable STEEM ecosystem

These are pretty good suggestion on reviving a failed business plan.
Very unfortunate that especially when crisis as the recent pandemic a lot of people preferred an easy route out. Chop and move on.

chop and move on

That doesn't help most times. Keeping it cool and thinking of a way out has always been the secret of revival. In a world where there are uncountable difficulties, perseverance and careful planning is the way out. There will always be a reason to chop and move on, and also a reason to stay and fight. It is the choice one makes between this two options that separates a tycoon from a failed business man.

Thanks for checking up, and the support.

Usually business that stayed on for 7 - 10 years will most likely to fight on if they have out their heart and soul to it.

Only obstacle is to learn to adapt and change.

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