The Entrepreneur's mindset: Developing the right mindset towards financial management and profit making as an entrepreneur.

in Project HOPE4 years ago



Business and money making, or better said profit making are two closely related terms and are commonly interchanged, according to my very good friend, ‘anything that keeps you busy is a business’, we joked about it, but on a second thought, he was right, yes!, not absolutely but there was some very important fact in his theory. Everything that keeps you busy is a business, better put Busy-ness. Most money making ventures yields profits, but not all business, this is to say that one can be so engaged for most hours of the day in a venture which is unyielding and he only preserves due to the belief that hardships is a sign of impending success.

Engaging in a tough project and striving hard to make the goals of this project come true is a very applausible character and is inborn in most achieverS who have had a breakthrough amidst enormous odds, however knowing the direction of these hustles and having a very good plan is also paramount.

But the MINDSET comes into play as a very big factor, the mindset to plan, implement, endure, preserve, cut corners, focus and of course to achieve, is what distinguishes a profit-maker and an achiever from every other business man working hard with low turn out and profits.

The mindsets


In the previous paragraph, I mentioned several mindsets as regards being a functional achiever and a little bit of elaboration will be needed as regards these:

The mindset to plan: what do you want to achieve? And how do you plan to go about achieving this?, this is the first and the most important part of any business or project, with a great mindset to draft a plan, a workable and efficient plan, a profitable business is born. A good planning mindset is optimistic not pessimistic while putting into consideration most risks that can be encountered on the course of the project, he sets out his plans and the alternatives and determines to go about them with the assurance that he will make it!

The mindset to implement and endure: Now the plans have been made, what next? Implementation of course, a start up, a first physical step, while planning is purely imaginations and assumptions, implementation is practical, it’s is the first physical step of any business, even on the blockchain, the plan to start up any project is just borne out of one’s mind, everything that follows after this is physical and bent towards the goal, endurance is also needed as start ups are always discouraging.

The mindset to endure and persevere: As already stated, there’s a huge need to endure the humble beginnings and stay put amidst every discouragements, this is due to the hardships faced in every business, a money making mindset never gives up, provided he is sure of the plans.

The mindset to cut corners: A money making mindset is swift and ready to change Lanes once the need comes up, even though it is ready to go against all odds, it doesn’t waste this ability in non-profitable ventures, hence when the need comes up, it changes lane and tries another path with sane determination.



The mindset to focus and achieve: A profit-orientated mindset never gives up provided the plans are going as speculated, the distractions are good boosts for a focused mind and it is always ready to go through the needles eyes if that’s what it takes to reach the goal, the dust on his feet he immediately dusts them off and never gives up, he isn’t swayed by others making it the other way, rather he is focused on his mapped out plans, though he is swift enough to make new plans when the already existing plans appears futile, the road never ends for a good business man with the right mindset.

The money and the mindset

with the right mindset comes the right achievement

The right mindset makes the right money, sounds a bit funny, but everything goes right when the right mindset is developed. Money making or profit-making lies so much on mind power, the ability to apply each principles the right way with the right determination and the fully charged zeal, it keeps the man determined and swift, and foresighted, he sees the light at the farthest end of the tunnel and also the darkness and works toward reverting these. The stories of successful business men such as Henry Ford, Musa Mansa, Bill gates, Jeff Bezos, Colonel Sanders and successful scientists such as Einstein points at these facts and reflects the importance of mindset in profit making.


The right mindset makes the right money, sounds a bit funny, but everything goes right when the right mindset is developed.

I agree with you, placing the right mindset on a project produces a fantastic result.

To an extent I feel that mindset is everything, especially in business. The more progressive you think, the more progressive you become.

At the time of having a business it is important to have many things clear, starting with being constant and keeping in mind that just as there are ups, there are downs. Every business is difficult at the beginning, you have to establish yourself, know where you want to go, find out what audience you are going to focus on and simply keep going.

This is like the mantra of business. Once a business man gets this basics, surviving competition will be more likely.

@joelagbo entrepreneur should do all the research and planning to be profitable in the business. he should be wise enough to utilized all his resources perfectly to get more profit.

Sure, many failed businesses are found lacking in these areas. Explains why they failed in the first place.

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