The benefits of learning a second language

in Project HOPE4 years ago
There are more than 6000 recognized languages in the world, a figure that we can consider not to be exact due to the implicit difficulty to differentiate a language from a dialect, as well as the accuracy in the calculation of the number of people who speak it.
Nevertheless, studies carried out on this subject have shown figures in relation to the number of speakers of the English language as a mother tongue, considering that there are approximately more than 400 million people who speak it. Nevertheless, it is estimated that 500 million people have chosen English as a second language.
On the other hand, the investigations carried out reveal that Arabic, Mandarin Chinese, Japanese, Russian, Hungarian, Icelandic, Polish, among others, are considered the most difficult languages to learn.

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However, the need to learn a second language has been a goal set by millions of people for a long time, becoming more important as a result of the discoveries made by researchers both at the psychological level and the countless benefits of our cognitive functions.

Under this premise, I present a brief analysis of the benefits of learning a second language, so that each reader can draw his or her own conclusions about them.

Eight Benefits or more?

In the 19th century, between 1920 and 1960, there was a belief that learning a second language or that bilingual people were at risk of diminishing their cognitive functions and were even severely criticized and intimidated.

Fortunately, the studies carried out by researchers in the area of psychology, neurolinguistics, neuropsychology, functional and linguistic, among others, during the years that followed until today, demonstrated the innumerable benefits in the learning of a second language, being them an attractive incentive for the lovers of the languages.


Among the benefits that we can mention are
1. Strengthens memory and attention: The process of learning a second language provides the brain, through the activities related to learning vocabulary and its pronunciation, many substantial and evident improvements in memory and attention of people who acquire a second language.

These improvements have been proven by researchers who have conducted comparative studies of bilingual and monolingual people with very encouraging results.

2.Delays the dementia and/or Alzheimer's disease: The results obtained by the investigators are really encouraging, in relation to the delay of the deterioration of the cognitive reserve product of the aging of the brain up to five years, for those people who have learned a second language or bilingual.

That is why as time passes we see more academics, scholars and language enthusiasts join in learning a new language.

3. Improved listening skills: Bilingualism can contribute considerably to the improvement of our listening skills because when the brain learns a second language it develops the ability to select the sounds in such a way that the level of demand that can be achieved is quite high, achieving differentiation from one word to another with great precision.
Studies in the United Kingdom show that bilingual children are able to pay more attention to speech and identify any changes in word pronunciation.
This shows that learning a second language in addition to the benefits outlined above, also provides this excellent benefit to our brain.

4.It expands our way of thinking and looking at the environment in a different way:

This benefit is a direct consequence of learning and mastering another language, in the sense that the possibility of exchanging ideas and experiences with people from different countries allows us to open new windows and possibilities to know other points of view and even acquire new knowledge that we never thought we would find.

As well as, it can be considered as an excellent alternative to increase the self-esteem, many times the domain of another language can be interesting to many people and in the same way to the one who speaks it.

5.Improved decision making and increased confidence: Decision making based on the increased self-confidence that a person can have when learning a second language, are directly proportional, obtaining better and more timely decisions.

This statement is based on studies conducted by the University of Chicago, which have shown that bilingual people achieve more confidence in themselves, due to the recognition of their environment.
6.Facilitates the learning of other languages:

Opens the doors to facilitate the learning of other languages, because you already achieve your own methodology and strategies that help you to facilitate the control and mastery of the new language you want to learn.

7.Enriches communication: learning a second language increases your knowledge of your mother tongue, because the person is dedicated to studying in greater detail each aspect that for him perhaps was common.
In addition to the increase in attention to grammar and vocabulary pronunciation, which translates into the continuous improvement of each aspect studied.
8.It increases self-criticism: it allows us to have a range of thoughts that opens up to our feet, in such a way that it allows us to expand our minds and relationship to topics and points of view of people from different countries.


In view of all of the above, it is clear that learning a second language provides us with countless benefits, not to mention many in the area of work, professional and business, which are part of another publication to be produced soon.




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Bibliographic References

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thank you for the post. I think my family and i are speaking at least 3-5 languages and i can tell you no dementia or Alzheimer. My be this is the reason

Hi @artist-shazi
A large part has contributed to this, based on what the specialists say.
Thank you for your comment.
Best Regards

amazing your story, don't forget to come to our community to share about motivation

Thank you very much

Actually, this post is very straight to the point. I have been trying to learn another language and in doing this, I plan to download a language learning app, I will keep you posted on my progress with this.

Hi @busted1
Thanks for your comment, soon I will give continuity to other publications related to this topic, I am sure you will be interested.

I am really blow away by the benefit this boast. I think many people need to see this and realise the importance of not relying on one language but getting to learn more even if possible more than two

Hi @mandate
That's right! my friend, the idea is to spread this information in a simple way to motivate more people to learn one or more languages.
Thank you for your comment.

Learning other languages ​​brings many benefits in addition to the ones you mention,And it is important to mention that it helps us to know about other cultures, learn about other people and be more intelligent.

Certainly @reinaldoverdu
This content is planned for a future publication.
Best Regards

Hello dear friend, an excellent publication, definitely learning another language gives us a range of new possibilities and benefits for our health and quality of life. Some time ago I thought of writing about it since I am currently experiencing it. It is good to have another vision and be able to see and understand things that not everyone understands. Thank you for sharing it. Greetings!

Hi @franyeligonzalez
I'm sure it is, so I decided to write about it to share this information with as many users as possible.
Thank you for your comment.

Hello @janettyanez, I would add that it is also a great stimulus for memory, because it forces us to remember the "sounds of words" of the new language and at the same time forces us to think in the new language, this has happened to me before and I think that it is incredible transformation that runs through our mind and brain.

See you soon..!

Hi @tocho2
Certainly friend, in points 1 and 3 include that aspect, which you mention to us, but it is excellent the way you describe your own experience.
Thank you for your comment.

Learning a different language often comes with a beautiful experience, it is like having a peep into another person's culture which is usually an amazing experience.

Hi @futurekr
Strongly agree with you, the best way to put it.
Thanks for this lovely comment.

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