Contest # 2 Project Hope : For all content creators by @janettyanez

in Project HOPE4 years ago



This is my entry in Project Hope's Contest #2, organized by @josevas217, @juanmolina and @gbenga, whose purpose is to promote the elaboration of posts with original contents.

In this opportunity the proposal is to elaborate a post using as inspiration Erich Fromm's expression:

"Education makes machines that act as men and, produces men who act like machines"

The perceptions and interpretations that can be made of this phrase are very diverse, as can be seen below:


Analyzing this statement, its central axis is a call to reflect on the improvements in education through the decades.
However, it is possible to perceive and discover what lies between the lines, questions and contradictions regarding the relevance and recognition of education based on technology and/or for its use.

On the contrary, these technological advances can be interpreted as being oriented to the detriment of people's own characteristics and skills of analysis, rationality, discernment, assertiveness, decision-making and commitment.



In contrast and complement to the above, it is possible to point out the dehumanisation of man, when compared to machines.

In this comparison the human being is placed as a machine, that is to say, an object without feelings, emotions, or criteria for decision or reflection, which is an alert for the revision and strengthening of education from the fundamental humanistic values and principles of "be", and not just "do" or "have", on which the results of formal education and society in recent decades have been focused.

I would like to take this opportunity to highlight the need and commitment to participate in an education that is more relevant and in line with the challenges, circumstances and gaps that need to be faced and overcome in this era in which we live.

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I am grateful to #projecthope, @josevas217, @juanmolina and @gbenga for this opportunity to share with other users our analysis regarding the proposed phrase.

If you are interested in participating this is the link Project Hope competition #2 for all content creators



The separator and the farewell banner are my property, made with the Paint application.

Thank you for reading and commenting



I think some countries economy structure are already discouraging many people to participate in education but one thing I know is one need to challenge itself to participate in education because it has its reaping rewards

Yes @mandate,
you mention something very important, this current situation is making many people move away from studies, it is a reality.
It is always intellectually worth studying, however, the economic reality often hits you and makes you rethink many things.

The question of the priority that can be given to education, under the premise of personal and/or family commitments or obligations, is a much-discussed topic.
It is also difficult to give a 100% objective response.
Thank you for your visit @mandate and your feedback.

Hello @yannetyanez
There is something paradoxical in all this, education is supposed to go beyond the mere inculcation of knowledge from childhood, but to generate in the human being that awakening of humanity, but it seems that this is not happening, and as you say, there is more emphasis on doing and having than on being.
But this is how we walk...
Thank you for participating

Sadly true, @josevas217
Thanks to #projecthope and to you for allowing us this opportunity to have a feedback.

Hello @janettyanez, the approach you have given to Erich Fromm's phrases is very interesting, without a doubt our capacity for analysis and work dynamics in some cases resemble machines, from my point of view the phrase is oriented towards our conceptually training to finish doing the same work procedure daily as something mechanical or as the phrase "like machines" expresses it well. Thanks for your input.

Hi @madridbg
Thank you for your visit and your comment.

Greetings @janettyanez

In this comparison the human being is placed as a machine, that is to say, an object without feelings, emotions, or criteria for decision or reflection, which is an alert for the revision and strengthening of education from the fundamental humanistic values and principles of "be", and not just "do" or "have", on which the results of formal education and society in recent decades have been focused.

I agree with you, it is necessary to revise the curricula at the initial levels, as well as the curricula at the university level, since it is evident that they do not correspond to a humanist formation attached to respect for life. It is urgent to rethink formal education, with the objective of generating models that humanize our battered society.

Certainly @lupafilotaxia
Thank you for your visit to my publication and your comment

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