in Project HOPE4 years ago

It is easy for business owners to try to associate all the success and breakthroughs happening in their business to their plans and effort failing to realize how much effort some of the staff may have put into making those set plans become achievable. Plans are highly necessary no doubt and without proper plans the staff may not have anything to work with but those who put in great effort to make those plans realized should be appreciated.


When people are appreciated, there is a natural tendency for them to give more effort to the work done, as a boss there are ways to go about appreciating workers that will make them feel good, as a boss you might think that the only thing you owe your staff is their salary at the end of the week or month as the case may be, often it has been discovered that a lot of people like to work in a place where their effort feels needed and appreciated.

While trying to complement the effort of your staff, make specific statements about the things you love that they have done that is really impressive. If is a way that staff has kept records clean in the past few weeks that you love say it to them and let them know that you do not take the effort for granted. Appreciating a specific job well done before trying to correct them respectfully about something they failed to do well will make them eager to improve in that aspect.

That people work under you does not mean that they do not have feelings or needs, they deserve as much respect as you would have loved to get if you were working under someone also. A good reason why robots can never be a good boss is that they will expect perfection from every human that they supervise but being a boss that is a human will make you understand feelings and emotions of your staff.


Appreciating the staffs who perform well will make the other staff who may not be performing well perform even better because no matter how stiff necked or strong hearted a person might be, there is a soft spot that cries for appreciation and the moment that hunger gets satisfied it will push such person to perform even better.

As a person who has drawn the plan for a project, it is only natural for us to expect fast result but noticing the little efforts that our staff place into the project in order for a great result to occur just makes all the difference and it will also make the project seem achievable on time.


It's no doubt, successful managers develop good appreciation skills.

Good article, I personally disagree with that which says since employees for some reason believe that the employer is an enemy they should watch out for, but many projects fail because they focus more on the employee than the customer.

A pat on the back is worth more than a 1000 bucks!

Employees who feel appreciated really give in more effort to the work that they do, these set of employees do not have to be pressured to work before they do.

Employees need to be valued as individuals, because a happy employee is someone who always does a better job.

Very nice post, @ireti.

No one wants to work in a position where they are not appreciated for their efforts and making employees feel their services are not worth it would reduce the ability for then to perform at their best

A stubborn and angry boss who fails to appreciate workers will in no time need to handle the business on its own or have a failed project.

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